Where I go, DogCow follows. (Destiny)
All for one, one for all. Or something.
I'm going to use your video as a springboard!
I've been wanting to test this "GifV" Imgur thing here.
Nope... doesn't seem to work. (Unless I tagged it wrong)
Where I go, DogCow follows. :D
Lol. Stoopid rock. :)
gifv doesn't play well with embedding...
To share a gifv, you have to link to it.
Otherwise, you have to share the massive gif file (http://i.imgur.com/xRjwFun.gif)... Just by removing the "v" at the end of the url, but I don't recommend it unless you use Google Fiber.
Thanks Korny.
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I don't understand this gifv thing
Sorta thread hijack, sorry.
There is no such thing as a "gifv" format. It's just a standard HTML5 <video> tag with MP4/WebM sources and a fallback Flash player, all posing as a single file with an incorrect extension. When you request a .gifv file from imgur, the response is an HTML document. Might as well be .html or .php.
The branding of .gifv makes it seem like you should be able to just use it in an <img> tag, but that doesn't work because it's not an image of any kind!
The web designer in me is frustrated at this. Someone at Imgur thought this was a cute idea, but it's really just shortsighted and prone to breaking stuff:
Screenshot of broken Imgur crap hosted by Imgur. :)
Where I go, DogCow follows. :D
Lol. Stoopid rock. :)
I was already laughing at myself for the fall, but when you hit the ground a few seconds later I lost it XD