Smart man automates Destiny grinding (Destiny)

by rhubarb, Monday, January 19, 2015, 20:11 (3451 days ago)


Nature finds a way.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, January 19, 2015, 20:51 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

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Nature finds a way.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 07:47 (3451 days ago) @ INSANEdrive


Consider my nightmares haunted.

by ckamp, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 08:50 (3450 days ago) @ iconicbanana

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Consider your nightmares blessed.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:56 (3450 days ago) @ ckamp


Looks like the love child of Sandi Toksvig and Jeff Goldblum

by scarab @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:03 (3450 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

in a jacuzzi.

I can never unsee this.

by Velociraptor112, Places., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:09 (3450 days ago) @ INSANEdrive



by ckamp, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:35 (3450 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

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Damn, he's handsome.

by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:49 (3450 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

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I'll just be crying in the corner.

by breitzen @, Kansas, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:13 (3450 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

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by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:16 (3450 days ago) @ INSANEdrive




by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, January 19, 2015, 21:03 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

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Why is it disgusting?

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 08:40 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

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Because it is cheating.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 08:49 (3450 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

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Who is he cheating though? Who is the victim of this?

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:00 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

It's not like he's aimbotting in Crucible or afking in strikes. He's not actively hurting anyone, in fact he's in an instanced zone even.


Who is he cheating though? Who is the victim of this?

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:02 (3450 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

So he is clearly hurting everyone he could have been bringing with him to get all that sweet loot. (My gut feeling is I failed miserably at verbal tense here. :D )



by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:05 (3450 days ago) @ ZackDark





by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:07 (3450 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

Damn, son, back in my starting days, I had a Scout Rifle to use in the Crucible.



Cheating does not require a victim.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:48 (3450 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

Cheating is still cheating whether anyone was harmed or not. And I am against cheating. I rather hope he is banned from Destiny and Xbox Live. That way he can do a whole lot more than sleep while he doesn't play the game.


Ragashigo confirmed Statist

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:50 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Banned for what? You've done nothing but say GRR THIS CHEATING THIS BAD

You've yet to provide any reason his cheating hurts anyone or the sanctity of the game.


Ragashigo confirmed Statist

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:53 (3450 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

You've yet to provide any reason his cheating hurts anyone or the sanctity of the game.

Pretty hard to do when, by your definition, "the sanctity of the game" isn't blemished by someone earning rewards and levels while they sleep. It's an interactive game meant to be played by an attentive person. Where are you going to draw the line? Why even build the robot or turn on the Xbox? He could just hack the Destiny servers and just give himself the same level 20 character and thousands of Glimmer and it would still seem to maintain your idea of "the sanctity of the game."

I say that any cheating violates the sanctity of the game. That the line must be drawn here. This far and no further. I may not be able to make him pay for what he has done, but I can be legitimately and rationally against it.


Actually, you might have a point

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:59 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

If people do manage to, well, invest time while not investing time, maybe developers will feel free to make the investment requirements higher.

For instance, EVE Online lets you train skills even while offline. Hell, they keep training even if your subscription runs out. Countering that, there are skills that take literally months to train. Imagine what would happen if Bungie took the idling farming into account when tweaking drop rates? We'd all be screwed.


Don't forget, Bots killed Diablo 2!

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:12 (3450 days ago) @ ZackDark

Just sayin'. I loved that game.


Ragashigo confirmed Statist

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:23 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

It's an interactive game meant to be played by an attentive person. Where are you going to draw the line? Why even build the robot or turn on the Xbox?

Oh, god--I just had a nightmare where I had to constantly tap on Simpsons characters in Tapped Out in order to make them do their jobs.

Not gonna lie, though--this has some insane Deja Vu going on right about now...


Ragashigo confirmed Statist

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:45 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

You've yet to provide any reason his cheating hurts anyone or the sanctity of the game.

Pretty hard to do when, by your definition, "the sanctity of the game" isn't blemished by someone earning rewards and levels while they sleep. It's an interactive game meant to be played by an attentive person. Where are you going to draw the line? Why even build the robot or turn on the Xbox? He could just hack the Destiny servers and just give himself the same level 20 character and thousands of Glimmer and it would still seem to maintain your idea of "the sanctity of the game."

A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience. In most games, skipping to the last level with invincibility would be worse than playing the game proper. It would be BORING. In a good game, players would not want to cheat, because that would destroy the experience and challenge. If you could snap your fingers and watch the credits roll on Halo, that would be silly right? But if you could snap your fingers and give yourself a Hawkmoon or a bunch of glimmer, shit I'd do it. The only way to get a Hawkmoon is through random drops, and glimmer is boring as shit to get. Even snapping my fingers to get a character to level 20, and have the ending instantly play would be preferable, since going through the game again with a low level character and bad weapons isn't that fun. I wouldn't feel robbed of an experience.

Nobody would cheat in Destiny and build bots to play it if it worked like Halo and had a beginning and end, as well as no random progression and item acquisition. People build bots and AI to play Mario because that is an interesting technical and scientific challenge, not because they don;t want to play the game.

There is no sanctity of the game, when Destiny is by and large designed to waste your time with shit that would be better off skipped.

Ragashigo confirmed Statist

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:53 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

If you could snap your fingers and watch the credits roll on Halo, that would be silly right?

Well, crap.


You're doing that thing again.

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:04 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience. In most games, skipping to the last level with invincibility would be worse than playing the game proper. It would be BORING. In a good game, players would not want to cheat, because that would destroy the experience and challenge.

See, I have to stop you right here, because you are assuming again that people are playing games to get the same satisfaction that you do- which is not true.

I can name plenty of people who enter in cheat codes and otherwise play games not as intended by the developer because THAT is what they find fun.

-People who enter in the codes to unlock all songs in rock band or guitar hero to play with their friends, are by your definition, cheating and robbing themselves of the experience of the game by not playing the story mode to unlock each song, even the ones they don't want to play.

-People who load up GTA_ and enter in the codes for unlimted health, money, whatever weapon and car they want and then see how long they can hold out against the cops are again, cheating by your definition because they didn't obtain those items the long way. (I grew up with a guy who bought the game, played ZERO of the story, because he just loved doing exactly what I just said previously. That was the game to him. That was fun)

Are these games inherently bad, or good, then? Are they automatically bad games because someone wanted to enter in a cheat code?

Don't answer that- because it doesn't matter.

You and Raga can sit there and scream at my buddy that he's playing the games wrong, and that somehow, (by which neither of you have explained) it is negatively impacting YOUR playing of that game, even though it has ZERO impact on you. My buddy don't care. He's gonna enter the codes, and waste civilians until he's giddy.

Metacritic and Kotaku and whatever other critics and metrics can say a game is "good", and that doesn't mean -I'll- think it is good. Case in point, The Last of Us, looks like a really shitty game to me, and I didn't enjoy the demo I played, yet it gets heaps positive feedback.

It's all subjective, bro.


I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:06 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988

A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience. In most games, skipping to the last level with invincibility would be worse than playing the game proper. It would be BORING. In a good game, players would not want to cheat, because that would destroy the experience and challenge.

This was all I agreed with. It might be one of the more objective things he's ever said.


I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:15 (3450 days ago) @ iconicbanana

A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience. In most games, skipping to the last level with invincibility would be worse than playing the game proper. It would be BORING. In a good game, players would not want to cheat, because that would destroy the experience and challenge.

This was all I agreed with. It might be one of the more objective things he's ever said.

But it's not.

First off, setting up a servo so spam melee and shoot on your controller in a solo mission, with no other players, is not cheating. Just like shooting into a loot cave is not cheating.

Is it fun? Well, you have to ask the individuals DOING it, and WHY they are doing it.

This guy with the controller didn't indicate (unless I missed it) that he did it because Destiny is such a grind to him- he did it as a way to keep playing when he isn't playing.

I'm not saying that -I- would do what he's doing, because to me it sounds pointless, but hey, more power to him. It's his prerogative. He's not crapping on my picnic, so, go nuts.

"A good game is a game in which cheating robs YOU of the fun and experience."

I got 4 of my buds, we want to play rock band. Well, fuck me, I don't have the songs unlocked.The game didn't rob us of that fun (I guess technically I did?), or maybe it did by not having them unlocked from the git go- DOESN'T MATTER-

The people WHO ENJOY the chase, will call me bad words because I used a cheat code.

The people WHO DON'T like the chase, and want to hop in and go, will want to know how I did it.

Getting into arguments with Cody is a fools errand, because you're arguing subjectivity.

But goddamnit if I just can't help myself, I like to debate!


I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:18 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988

I got 4 of my buds, we want to play rock band. Well, fuck me, I don't have the songs unlocked.The game didn't rob us of that fun (I guess technically I did?), or maybe it did by not having them unlocked from the git go- DOESN'T MATTER-

The people WHO ENJOY the chase, will call me bad words because I used a cheat code.

The people WHO DON'T like the chase, and want to hop in and go, will want to know how I did it.

See, here you've changed the conditions of the game; you're playing a different game. It's no longer about progressing through the game, it's about playing with friends. But there's still challenge and conditions of failure.

Cody was arguing that removing the conditions of failure is what robs you of the challenge, and that as such, you aren't really playing a game anymore.


I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:24 (3450 days ago) @ iconicbanana

I got 4 of my buds, we want to play rock band. Well, fuck me, I don't have the songs unlocked.The game didn't rob us of that fun (I guess technically I did?), or maybe it did by not having them unlocked from the git go- DOESN'T MATTER-

The people WHO ENJOY the chase, will call me bad words because I used a cheat code.

The people WHO DON'T like the chase, and want to hop in and go, will want to know how I did it.

See, here you've changed the conditions of the game; you're playing a different game. It's no longer about progressing through the game, it's about playing with friends. But there's still challenge and conditions of failure.

Cody was arguing that removing the conditions of failure is what robs you of the challenge, and that as such, you aren't really playing a game anymore.

Gahhhhh but that DEPENDS ON WHAT THE GAME IS[/u]!

Halo was not about speed running, and people love that for some reason (god bless them).


Or did they make their own fun?

PERHAPS, MAYBE, this dood with the controller bot, had FUN making it, tweaking it, and putting it into action?

Cody's ideal enjoyment (while pure and noble) of a game, does not make it the be-all end-all!



by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:25 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988

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Hit the wrong button there.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:29 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988

I got 4 of my buds, we want to play rock band. Well, fuck me, I don't have the songs unlocked.The game didn't rob us of that fun (I guess technically I did?), or maybe it did by not having them unlocked from the git go- DOESN'T MATTER-

The people WHO ENJOY the chase, will call me bad words because I used a cheat code.

The people WHO DON'T like the chase, and want to hop in and go, will want to know how I did it.

See, here you've changed the conditions of the game; you're playing a different game. It's no longer about progressing through the game, it's about playing with friends. But there's still challenge and conditions of failure.

Cody was arguing that removing the conditions of failure is what robs you of the challenge, and that as such, you aren't really playing a game anymore.

Gahhhhh but that DEPENDS ON WHAT THE GAME IS[/u]!

Halo was not about speed running, and people love that for some reason (god bless them).


Well, no. They've changed what the goal is. There's still challenge and conditions for success and failure.

Or did they make their own fun?

I don't think Cody ever argues against fun.

PERHAPS, MAYBE, this dood with the controller bot, had FUN making it, tweaking it, and putting it into action?

I think Cody is a fan of this guy, actually.

Cody's ideal enjoyment (while pure and noble) of a game, does not make it the be-all end-all!

He's not arguing about what I think you're arguing about. He's making a more objective statement about what a game is, not which ones he likes. The parts about what kinds of games he likes, and how Destiny should be one, is where I lose him.


I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:43 (3450 days ago) @ iconicbanana

See, here you've changed the conditions of the game; you're playing a different game. It's no longer about progressing through the game, it's about playing with friends. But there's still challenge and conditions of failure.

It's not really hard to change the scenario to fit. Say instead of playing Rock Band, you and your friends want to do an all-Titan run of the Vault of Glass in a few days, but your Titan is only a level 4. You've got real life stuff like work and kids can't spare the time that the game will require you to sit in front of your TV to have your Titan ready by raid night. So you set up your bot to grind you to 20 while you're at work, and instead of spending five or six hours running another character through the early "story" missions when you get home, you can jump right into earning Vanguard and Crucible marks to get you ready for the part of the game you enjoy most, the raid.

I'm not arguing for either side here (though I'd be tempted to do the same thing just for the occasional armor drop that I could break down into sapphire wire for my hunter), but I did want to point out that it's not too difficult to see how the Rock Band scenario could be applied to Destiny.



I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:45 (3450 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

See, here you've changed the conditions of the game; you're playing a different game. It's no longer about progressing through the game, it's about playing with friends. But there's still challenge and conditions of failure.

It's not really hard to change the scenario to fit. Say instead of playing Rock Band, you and your friends want to do an all-Titan run of the Vault of Glass in a few days, but your Titan is only a level 4. You've got real life stuff like work and kids can't spare the time that the game will require you to sit in front of your TV to have your Titan ready by raid night. So you set up your bot to grind you to 20 while you're at work, and instead of spending five or six hours running another character through the early "story" missions when you get home, you can jump right into earning Vanguard and Crucible marks to get you ready for the part of the game you enjoy most, the raid.

I'm not arguing for either side here (though I'd be tempted to do the same thing just for the occasional armor drop that I could break down into sapphire wire for my hunter), but I did want to point out that it's not too difficult to see how the Rock Band scenario could be applied to Destiny.


Why are people thinking I'm arguing against the bot here? Cody was not arguing against the bot and neither was I.


I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:54 (3450 days ago) @ iconicbanana

Why are people thinking I'm arguing against the bot here? Cody was not arguing against the bot and neither was I.

I wasn't challenging your opinions on the bot, just your dismissal of the Rock Band scenario because it was a different game with different goals. I was just pointing out that, even if the Rock Band thing wasn't a perfect example, it's not difficult to see how it could be applied to Destiny.



I have to disagree, I thought this was the only good point.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:57 (3450 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

Why are people thinking I'm arguing against the bot here? Cody was not arguing against the bot and neither was I.

I wasn't challenging your opinions on the bot, just your dismissal of the Rock Band scenario because it was a different game with different goals. I was just pointing out that, even if the Rock Band thing wasn't a perfect example, it's not difficult to see how it could be applied to Destiny.


Ah, okay. I think I posted this already, but I don't think it's the same argument:


You're doing that thing again.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:11 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988

Not sure about Cody, but I highly support the use of cheat codes. :)


Wait, wut?

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:15 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Not sure about Cody, but I highly support the use of cheat codes. :)

You like...just a second ago...earlier in this thread...are you trolling...I don't even?


Wait, wut?

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:45 (3450 days ago) @ iconicbanana

Not sure about Cody, but I highly support the use of cheat codes. :)

You like...just a second ago...earlier in this thread...are you trolling...I don't even?

Only if you consider a cheat code, something the devs programed in to be used by players (especially in the case of the GTA series), the same as physically modifying a controller to play a game while you are not around.

Back when I was a kid I haggled my parents to call the Sega of America pay per minute hotline to get the cheat codes to Sonic the Hedgehog 2. (Level Select: 19, 65,9,17, Hold A, Press Start, Select 1 Player, Debug Mode: 1,9,9,2,1,1,2,4 then Super Sonic: 4,1,2,6. From memory. 20+ years later.) I have the GTA IV codes written down. I used cheat codes in Sim City 2000. Those are just my favorite examples.

I would never find or construct a way to advance by not playing a game.



by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:47 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Not sure about Cody, but I highly support the use of cheat codes. :)

You like...just a second ago...earlier in this thread...are you trolling...I don't even?

Only if you consider a cheat code, something the devs programed in to be used by players (especially in the case of the GTA series), the same as physically modifying a controller to play a game while you are not around.


I would never find or construct a way to advance by not playing a game.

This also pretty clearly sets apart where you and Cody disagree...and I think you're closer to each other than you think.


Wait, wut?

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 19:45 (3449 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Not sure about Cody, but I highly support the use of cheat codes. :)

You like...just a second ago...earlier in this thread...are you trolling...I don't even?

Only if you consider a cheat code, something the devs programed in to be used by players (especially in the case of the GTA series), the same as physically modifying a controller to play a game while you are not around.

Back when I was a kid I haggled my parents to call the Sega of America pay per minute hotline to get the cheat codes to Sonic the Hedgehog 2. (Level Select: 19, 65,9,17, Hold A, Press Start, Select 1 Player, Debug Mode: 1,9,9,2,1,1,2,4 then Super Sonic: 4,1,2,6. From memory. 20+ years later.) I have the GTA IV codes written down. I used cheat codes in Sim City 2000. Those are just my favorite examples.

I would never find or construct a way to advance by not playing a game.

My personal feelings on this are: as long as it's single player, whom could it harm? He levels up a character to 20 in x number of hours--he still has to raid, strike and Cruciclast his way to better armor and stuff. He's just shortcutting the unnecessary B.S. we have to do to avoid the difficulty curve again. I don't see anything wrong with it.

And Ragashingo--Up Up Down Down UP UP UP UP!

Oh, and Left Left Left Right Right Right Up Up Up.


Wait, wut?

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, January 22, 2015, 00:04 (3449 days ago) @ Morpheus

And Ragashingo--Up Up Down Down UP UP UP UP!

Oh, and Left Left Left Right Right Right Up Up Up.


B A Down, B A Down, Left Up C



Wait, wut?

by Quirel, Thursday, January 22, 2015, 02:24 (3449 days ago) @ Morpheus

Oh, and Left Left Left Right Right Right Up Up Up.

Power Overwhelming

Cheese Steak Jimmy's




You're doing that thing again.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:12 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988
edited by Cody Miller, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:16

-People who enter in the codes to unlock all songs in rock band or guitar hero to play with their friends, are by your definition, cheating and robbing themselves of the experience of the game by not playing the story mode to unlock each song, even the ones they don't want to play.

No they are not, because it is frustrating to take rock band over to someone's house, and oops, we don;t have all the songs. The game is about getting good at the songs, not unlocking them.

You and Raga can sit there and scream at my buddy that he's playing the games wrong, and that somehow, (by which neither of you have explained) it is negatively impacting YOUR playing of that game, even though it has ZERO impact on you.

I used to think it didn't have an effect, but it actually can.

Just look at the Mythoclast. That item was designed to be hard to get, and as such really powerful. In a world where it IS hard to get, only a few people have it, and it's not a big deal. But when everybody and their mother was pushing Atheon off the cliff, and tons of people had it, it started getting frustrating for people who were seeing everybody just use it in crucible, and dominating. That's why it got nerfed.

Imagine again if rewards were easily gamed, and everybody had a Gjallarhorn / Black Hammer. Knowing this, the challenge level of future activities would have to be adjusted.

Munky was telling me that as more and more people get Hawkmoon, the more and more likely it is that Bungie will nerf it because it's so dominating in crucible, and everybody would use it.

This is why random acquisition of weapons is stupid. This is why exotics being 'rare' is stupid. If instead the game were designed in such a way that there was a path to all these weapons, then the game could be designed around everybody having them, and be much more 'balanced' in a sense. Exotics could then be exotic in their FUNCTION, not by their rarity, and a wider variety of scenarios and challenges could be constructed, knowing that player would have access to a fuller more diverse arsenal.

Either that or the Iron banner act the way it is now allowing you to bring in your weapons, but normal crucible is limited in what weapons you can use (perhaps only what's in the quartermaster's arsenal). PvE would also need content geared towards the people who have everything, locking those who don't out by virtue of them not rolling a good rng.


False, as usual, Cody.

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 18:37 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

-People who enter in the codes to unlock all songs in rock band or guitar hero to play with their friends, are by your definition, cheating and robbing themselves of the experience of the game by not playing the story mode to unlock each song, even the ones they don't want to play.

No they are not, because it is frustrating to take rock band over to someone's house, and oops, we don;t have all the songs. The game is about getting good at the songs, not unlocking them.

The game is clearly not about one single thing. It's clearly about unlocking the songs too. It's that type of carrot that entices people to work hard and persevere against the presented challenges to obtain success, and by virtue of success, the ability to unlock more songs. However, acknowledging that this isn't the main appeal to the game, the devs added a cheat code so that the people who want to hop on and play only the songs they like can do so without hurdles.

You and Raga can sit there and scream at my buddy that he's playing the games wrong, and that somehow, (by which neither of you have explained) it is negatively impacting YOUR playing of that game, even though it has ZERO impact on you.

I used to think it didn't have an effect, but it actually can.

Just look at the Mythoclast. That item was designed to be hard to get, and as such really powerful. In a world where it IS hard to get, only a few people have it, and it's not a big deal. But when everybody and their mother was pushing Atheon off the cliff, and tons of people had it, it started getting frustrating for people who were seeing everybody just use it in crucible, and dominating. That's why it got nerfed.

No, it got nerfed because people were obliterating entire teams single-handedly, well before it became a common sight on the battlefield.
The ease with which people were getting it only served to highlight the power it had. It had zero chance of being left as it was, no matter how difficult it was to obtain.

Imagine again if rewards were easily gamed, and everybody had a Gjallarhorn / Black Hammer. Knowing this, the challenge level of future activities would have to be adjusted.

But thankfully, because of RNg, this is not the case. Or rather, this is not the case yet. At some point in the future, maybe everyone will have a Gjallarhorn. I was pleasantly surprised last night when it turned out that everybody in our Raid group had one, and boy did it change the experience when there were four Gjallarhorn shots slamming into Crota simultaneously...

Munky was telling me that as more and more people get Hawkmoon, the more and more likely it is that Bungie will nerf it because it's so dominating in crucible, and everybody would use it.

Because it kills the sandbox. If you were to make weapons a guaranteed drop in any activity, people would gravitate only towards the top-tier weapons, and nothing else. You contradict yourself. On the one hand, you want to be guaranteed a Mythoclast for killing a hard Atheon, but on the other hand you complained that too many people were getting Mythoclasts... Wouldn't one problem cause/be a result of the other?

This is why random acquisition of weapons is stupid. This is why exotics being 'rare' is stupid. If instead the game were designed in such a way that there was a path to all these weapons, then the game could be designed around everybody having them, and be much more 'balanced' in a sense. Exotics could then be exotic in their FUNCTION, not by their rarity, and a wider variety of scenarios and challenges could be constructed, knowing that player would have access to a fuller more diverse arsenal.

Again, a contradiction. Having the highest-tier weapons be a much easier reward would lead to a much narrower arsenal. Who would use any Hand Cannon besides TLW and Hawkmoon? Who would use any sniper besides Praedyth's Revenge/Ice Breaker? Who would use any shotgun besides 4th Horseman or Swordbreaker? Gjallarhorn, Zombie Apocalypse, or Jolder's Hammer?

Either that or the Iron banner act the way it is now allowing you to bring in your weapons, but normal crucible is limited in what weapons you can use (perhaps only what's in the quartermaster's arsenal). PvE would also need content geared towards the people who have everything, locking those who don't out by virtue of them not rolling a good rng.

Praise RNG... Also, since you only called out two things that Revenant said, I take it that you flat-out agree with 80% of his post, admitting that you are 80% wrong.

Cody Was Wrong Rating: 80/100


False, as usual, Cody.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 18:53 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

Munky was telling me that as more and more people get Hawkmoon, the more and more likely it is that Bungie will nerf it because it's so dominating in crucible, and everybody would use it.

Because it kills the sandbox. If you were to make weapons a guaranteed drop in any activity, people would gravitate only towards the top-tier weapons, and nothing else. You contradict yourself. On the one hand, you want to be guaranteed a Mythoclast for killing a hard Atheon, but on the other hand you complained that too many people were getting Mythoclasts... Wouldn't one problem cause/be a result of the other?

Only because the Mythoclast was designed with the intent that it be ultra rare. If a lot of people were expected to get it, it would have been designed to better fit in with the rest of the weapons. That's the whole point of my post. Doing the weapons right would mean redesigning them.

Again, a contradiction. Having the highest-tier weapons be a much easier reward would lead to a much narrower arsenal. Who would use any Hand Cannon besides TLW and Hawkmoon? Who would use any sniper besides Praedyth's Revenge/Ice Breaker? Who would use any shotgun besides 4th Horseman or Swordbreaker? Gjallarhorn, Zombie Apocalypse, or Jolder's Hammer?

Only if Bungie left things the way they are. The point, was that if the weapons were all obtainable in some non random fashion, Bungie would have to redesign them precisely so the situation you state does not arise. Hawkmoon is as dominating as it is because it's rare. There would ideally be no "top tier" weapons. There would be fewer weapons, with each being good for different scenarios, or cater to different playstyles. That's probably impossible, but many games have come very close.


False, as usual, Cody.

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 19:13 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Korny, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 19:16

Munky was telling me that as more and more people get Hawkmoon, the more and more likely it is that Bungie will nerf it because it's so dominating in crucible, and everybody would use it.

Because it kills the sandbox. If you were to make weapons a guaranteed drop in any activity, people would gravitate only towards the top-tier weapons, and nothing else. You contradict yourself. On the one hand, you want to be guaranteed a Mythoclast for killing a hard Atheon, but on the other hand you complained that too many people were getting Mythoclasts... Wouldn't one problem cause/be a result of the other?

Only because the Mythoclast was designed with the intent that it be ultra rare. If a lot of people were expected to get it, it would have been designed to better fit in with the rest of the weapons. That's the whole point of my post. Doing the weapons right would mean redesigning them.

So let's look at the reality of how the game is, rather than the idealized version that you claim could exist in this game. How would you have balanced the Mythoclast in a way that would not fundamentally change what it is while making it both more powerful, and balanced in the game? Clearly you know something that no developer knows.

Again, a contradiction. Having the highest-tier weapons be a much easier reward would lead to a much narrower arsenal. Who would use any Hand Cannon besides TLW and Hawkmoon? Who would use any sniper besides Praedyth's Revenge/Ice Breaker? Who would use any shotgun besides 4th Horseman or Swordbreaker? Gjallarhorn, Zombie Apocalypse, or Jolder's Hammer?

Only if Bungie left things the way they are. The point, was that if the weapons were all obtainable in some non random fashion, Bungie would have to redesign them precisely so the situation you state does not arise. Hawkmoon is as dominating as it is because it's rare. There would ideally be no "top tier" weapons. There would be fewer weapons, with each being good for different scenarios, or cater to different playstyles. That's probably impossible, but many games have come very close.

No matter how small the sanbox is, or how much reiteration is intended to balance the sandbox, there will always be top-tier weapons.

Take Call of Duty, for example. No matter what game you play, any small tweak in the annual update results in top-tier weapons. The Models, the FAMAS, the AKS, the SVU... They are the only things that the "pros" use, and if they get nerfed even a bit, the balance of power shifts; not to the rest of the sandbox, but to another weapon that edges out the competition.

Even Warframe, a game where players themselves can customize, tweak, overhaul, and transform every single weapon in the game has "top-tier weapons". Boltor Prime, Dread, Soma, Castanas, Dragon Nikana... "Pro"players claim that you can't succeed without these, and as such, the masses follow, and though the game has a ridiculously expansive sandbox (Rifles, Bows, Snipers, Hand Cannons, dual-wielded shotguns, rocket-pistols, lasers, Power saws, Greatswords, whips, axes, claws, gauntlets, hammers, staffs, daggers, etc...), people feel like they need to have a specific "top-tier" loadout to succeed. And the crazy thing is that all of the weapons not only have very subtly nuanced and carefully balanced stats, they're all designed to appeal to any playstyle imaginable, and people don't take advantage of it. It's all "What do the pros use", and even Halo proved this, with the stupid love of the sandbox-killing BR.

How would you fix the Destiny sandbox so that there are no top-tier weapons?


False, as usual, Cody.

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 19:25 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

How would you fix the Destiny sandbox so that there are no top-tier weapons?

I don't know all the answers. It's going to be different for PvE and PvP, which is also why it's an extra handicap given that weapons have to not be overpowered in either.

I would start by having fewer weapons. A lot fewer. If you look at Halo 1, every weapon except the needler has a place in the game and a spot where it's useful. Of course in Multiplayer the pistol dominated.

To Bungie's credit, the types of weapons seem relatively equal in PvP, pulse rifles excepted. There's a reason to use fusion rifles over shotguns for example. So the balancing would have to be making sure that no fusion rifle is better in every situation than any other fusion rifle.

It's a super hard job, but the bottom line would be fewer weapons, more differences between weapons, and more diversity of situations in both PvE and PvP to bring out the usefulness of those differences. The differences have to manifest themselves in advantages in common situations. This is probably easier in PvE, which is why in my world regular crucible would be Quartermaster gear only, and Iron banner when you bring your own guns in. (However Iron banner would always be running).


False, as usual, Cody.

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 15:52 (3449 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don't know all the answers. It's going to be different for PvE and PvP, which is also why it's an extra handicap given that weapons have to not be overpowered in either.

Or, maybe they found a happy medium.

I would start by having fewer weapons. A lot fewer. If you look at Halo 1, every weapon except the needler has a place in the game and a spot where it's useful. Of course in Multiplayer the pistol dominated.

And here we arrive at the sandbox problem again. It doesn't matter how small or large the sandbox is, there will always be some weapons that excel overall that a certain contingent of players will gravitate towards. A larger sandbox (with a proportionally larger pool of ideally-performing weapons) is going to allow for more players to play at that level without forcing them to use a specific weapon.

To Bungie's credit, the types of weapons seem relatively equal in PvP, pulse rifles excepted. There's a reason to use fusion rifles over shotguns for example. So the balancing would have to be making sure that no fusion rifle is better in every situation than any other fusion rifle.

Suuuure...but you still have the sandbox problem within each class of weapon. There will still be only a slim handful that anybody chooses to use. The fact that there is a range of weapon classes mitigates this, to degree, as each class of weapon will have some overlap with other weapon classes.

It's a super hard job, but the bottom line would be fewer weapons, more differences between weapons, and more diversity of situations in both PvE and PvP to bring out the usefulness of those differences. The differences have to manifest themselves in advantages in common situations. This is probably easier in PvE, which is why in my world regular crucible would be Quartermaster gear only, and Iron banner when you bring your own guns in. (However Iron banner would always be running).

Right, so fewer and more widely differentiated weapons isn't going to happen. That's not the game that was designed here. I will, however, take a second to posit that we need to see new weapon classes and more interesting weapon behaviors out of them in future expansions (think Grenade Launcher heavies, various alien faction weapons, etc), as even during the beta there was talk of the current stable of weapon classes feeling a bit...standard.

I think differentiating the weapon tasking is not only impossible, but would be far less fun than what we deal with now. More differentiation would turn it into a clear cut rock-paper-scissors scheme for weapon selection. That certainly works in some games (like Halo), but this isn't one of them.

Overall, I think the best possible balance has been struck between how weapons and their specific traits work between PvP, PVE, and in the Iron Banner. The current system doesn't force you to level your gear in each of those modes independently, it factors in the extra materials investment where appropriate, and it caters to the largest body of players possible without conferring unfair advantage. If Iron Banner ran all the time, I'd warrant most players interested in PvP would end up there, where ALL material investment confers advantages, and vanilla crucible would be largely shunned except by those who don't normally run PvP (unless they have bounties that demand it). I don't think many folks would end up bringing less-levelled gear in, as they'd get crushed by the polished killers with highly tweaked builds.

As it stands with special events occurring periodically, the community is focused on joint activities during those times and left to roam at their own discretion at others. I don't think Iron Banner or the Queen's Wrath bounties would hold as much allure if the loot those vendors hawk was available whenever the player liked. Sure, one could argue that this is artificial investment-gaming, but I'm not seeing microtransactions skewing ingame behavior yet; nor do I feel like the big bad Activision is shamelessly cleaning out my wallet every time my console loads a new area.



...There's A Gun On There Called The SVU?

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 20:02 (3449 days ago) @ Korny

Does it make the clang noise each time you kill somebody with it?


I like having munky here

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 21:08 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

You know, it's exciting



False, as usual, Cody.

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 16:27 (3449 days ago) @ Korny

I was pleasantly surprised last night when it turned out that everybody in our Raid group had one, and boy did it change the experience.

Unrelated to the conversation, but man do I wish I'd recorded that. Watching a fleet of Gjallarhorn rockets hit a single target at the same time is one of the more epic things I've seen playing Destiny :)


Because it is cheating.

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:03 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

This isn't really cheating.

It doesn't impact any other players, and he's not guaranteed to gain anything (other than XP) thanks to the randomness of how Destiny works.

Distasteful? Yeah, mostly, depending on one's personal preference.

But it's not cheating.

This is one of those "Why are you doing this?" questions that can be answered with "Because I can".

Destiny is like a giant lottery.

All he did was create a way to scratch tickets when he is asleep. It's not like he's raking in Hawkmoons and Mythoclasts left and right.

Just like the loot cave before this, this is just a means to an end. It's not the IDEAL way to play, but it is a WAY to play.


Because it is cheating.

by bluerunner @, Music City, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:38 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Is he cheating if he sat up all night tapping the melee button? What if he got someone else to help him do it? What if his roommate played his character and leveled it up by only playing that sequence? Is that cheating? Does a actual person sitting there tapping a button make it count?


Because it is cheating.

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:58 (3450 days ago) @ bluerunner

Does a actual person sitting there tapping a button make it count?



What if he trained a hamster to do it?

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:51 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

and how is that different from programming a simple robot?


What if he trained a hamster to do it?

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:02 (3450 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

It's not. Clearly this guy is one step away from building the next robot Hitler and should be stopped at all costs!


No! Don't stop him.

by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:06 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988



by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:07 (3450 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto


Gotta love SMBC

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 14:18 (3450 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

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Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Fuertisimo, Monday, January 19, 2015, 21:15 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

Haha, this terrific.


What a waste of talent

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, January 19, 2015, 21:18 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

The bot could've been punching much faster.



What a waste of talent

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 06:06 (3451 days ago) @ ZackDark

The bot could've been punching much faster.


Not to mention throwing grenades! :P


More Living Proof That The Dark Beyond Rocks. XD

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, January 19, 2015, 22:10 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

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Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 06:16 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

Bungie nerf cannon meets its match?

LOL I would LOVE to see how or if DeeJ spins on this in the WU.

I actually love that he did this, and that it's getting so much notice. It's quite a bit more sophisticated than propping your thumbstick against something while crouched in a corner to level up your Sneak ability in Skyrim, but it also tells me two things:

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

2. Destiny's player base is having fun playing Destiny in ways Bungie never dreamed they would. Bungie needs to make peace with that, and move on to solving actual problems in the game.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:26 (3450 days ago) @ Mid7night

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

This is the correct way of looking at it. If having a robot play the game is preferential over playing it yourself, then something about the game is horrible. The only exceptions I can think of are if you are an AI researcher, or making a TAS.


Why is it never the person who is horrible?

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:50 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

- No text -


Did he kill your dog also?

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:53 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I don't understand your hateboner for this guy.


Why is it never the person who is horrible?

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:55 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I will bet he had more fun designing, and building that than he would have leveling up another character.


This person is horrible? lol

by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:56 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Dude, I'd take a whole world of horrible people like this. Have fun making robots to play games and give everyone a good laugh? Heck yes.

This person is horrible? lol

by Avateur @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:25 (3450 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

That dude may possibly be a horrible person and what he has done is disgusting. Now, excuse me while I go back to being a decent human being and get back to playing on Destiny the way it was designed to be played--with my own physical human hands. Nobel Peace Prize, here I come.


You're in the running for the sarcasm category I see :)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:38 (3450 days ago) @ Avateur

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Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by ckamp, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:25 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Or... different people find different things frustrating. Some people like progressively building their characters. Others hate it and they find ways around it. Fair play. We're all shaped in different ways and we will react differently to various stimuli.

I just recently built up a third character and I had a blast getting it to level 31. There was a real challenge as I played the game on difficulties just outside of my range with abilities that were lacking. It forced me to be innovative, and when I finally reached the stage where I could crush those enemies easily, I had fun doing that too.

I also don't begrudge someone building a robot. They clearly enjoy other parts of the game more. It would only be a problem if it created some sort of imbalance in the world. As such, it does not.

I am the type of player that loves to feel progress. I never grinded in this fashion. I just played the game in a way I thought was fun. I think this is the crux of the issue. Different people want different things out of the game. Clearly there is something you find enjoyable about the game, but it is buried in mechanics that you don't enjoy. Other people, well, they do enjoy them. Just because a skinner box exists doesn't mean it is at the cost of fun.

You contribute a lot to the community and you have a sharp mind. At the same time, you tend to universalize your experience of the world. As much as you may think you know what is best for people, you are limited because your brain neurons are wired in ways that are totally different from others. The stimuli that hits you as fun is going to be different than that which triggers the "fun" in others. People often say that you should try to see things from the other person's point of view. This is laudable, but it is also impossible. The best we can do it reach approximations of what we think that person may be experiencing.

I'm not sure I have a succinct point. I just think you'd get farther if you stopped assuming you knew the best way to get everyone the most fun they could get. You don't know how to do that, and in fact, it is impossible for you to know it.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:58 (3450 days ago) @ ckamp

Or... different people find different things frustrating. Some people like progressively building their characters. Others hate it and they find ways around it. Fair play. We're all shaped in different ways and we will react differently to various stimuli.

I just recently built up a third character and I had a blast getting it to level 31. There was a real challenge as I played the game on difficulties just outside of my range with abilities that were lacking. It forced me to be innovative, and when I finally reached the stage where I could crush those enemies easily, I had fun doing that too.

I also don't begrudge someone building a robot. They clearly enjoy other parts of the game more. It would only be a problem if it created some sort of imbalance in the world. As such, it does not.

I am the type of player that loves to feel progress. I never grinded in this fashion. I just played the game in a way I thought was fun. I think this is the crux of the issue. Different people want different things out of the game. Clearly there is something you find enjoyable about the game, but it is buried in mechanics that you don't enjoy. Other people, well, they do enjoy them. Just because a skinner box exists doesn't mean it is at the cost of fun.

You contribute a lot to the community and you have a sharp mind. At the same time, you tend to universalize your experience of the world. As much as you may think you know what is best for people, you are limited because your brain neurons are wired in ways that are totally different from others. The stimuli that hits you as fun is going to be different than that which triggers the "fun" in others. People often say that you should try to see things from the other person's point of view. This is laudable, but it is also impossible. The best we can do it reach approximations of what we think that person may be experiencing.

I'm not sure I have a succinct point. I just think you'd get farther if you stopped assuming you knew the best way to get everyone the most fun they could get. You don't know how to do that, and in fact, it is impossible for you to know it.

I like you more and more.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:59 (3450 days ago) @ ckamp

Or... different people find different things frustrating. Some people like progressively building their characters. Others hate it and they find ways around it. Fair play. We're all shaped in different ways and we will react differently to various stimuli.

I don't think anyone would hate progressively building their characters if:

1. The requirement for progression is fun.
2. The requirement for progression is not random.
3. The progression makes the player make interesting choices about their progression.

I know I keep going back to deus Ex, but it has done this better than any game ever, and I don't know why people use shitty progression systems when Deus Ex had a superior one 15 years ago.

If you don't know, there are two ways to progress your character in Deus Ex: skills and augmentations. Skills are advanced with exp, and augmentations are acquired with specific augmentation canisters, and advanced with an augmentation advancement item.

You get exp just by completing the challenges in the game. You also get exp by exploring, solving problems in alternate ways, and by doing sidequests. There is a set amount you can get; you cannot grind exp and max everything out. This is great because it encourages exploration, alternative problem solving, and forces you to make important choices about your character because you only get a set amount.

Augmentation canisters are found by exploring the world and doing side quests. Many are only accessible if you are skilled in certain areas, such as lockpicking, hacking etc, or else are just easier to get that way. Augmentation canisters give you one of two augmentations, so they are mutually exclusive and you have to make a choice. Again, you cannot deck your character out with all the augmentations.

There is a feedback system, because your skills help you do things to get augmentation canisters, and your augmentations can help you take routes or do side quests which net you exp.

This only works because the game is so wonderfully designed to allow for a wide variety of skill and aug choices to be fun to play. Every area of the game has numerous ways to complete it, many of which require creative use of skills and augs. Thus there really isn't a BEST choice, because most combinations and focuses offer unique experiences.

Which goes back to your point of everybody being different, and so you can play the game how you want.

It's beautiful, and makes Destiny's progression and character skill choice system look like a snap together model, as opposed to Deus Ex which is a workshop full of raw materials.

The worst progression systems are primarily about power. The best, are about variety.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:28 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don't think anyone would hate progressively building their characters if:

1. The requirement for progression is fun.
2. The requirement for progression is not random.
3. The progression makes the player make interesting choices about their progression.

Sounds like a game I've played recently called Destiny:

1. To progress you have to play the game, which I find fun.
2. To progress you do missions and multiplayer that pay out a known amount of currency and use that currency to buy armor and weapons for known prices. Sometimes the game also rewards you with unexpected weapons and armors.
3. There are choices between mutually exclusive subclass powers and choices between exotic weapons and armors all of which I find interesting.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:35 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I don't think anyone would hate progressively building their characters if:

1. The requirement for progression is fun.
2. The requirement for progression is not random.
3. The progression makes the player make interesting choices about their progression.

Sounds like a game I've played recently called Destiny:

2. To progress you do missions and multiplayer that pay out a known amount of currency and use that currency to buy armor and weapons for known prices. Sometimes the game also rewards you with unexpected weapons and armors.

Can you get a Gjallarhorn or a black hammer that way? Can you get to level 32 with raid gear that way? Nope. If you want to do Hard mode tomorrow, you had to have gotten to 32 by way of an RNG.

3. There are choices between mutually exclusive subclass powers and choices between exotic weapons and armors all of which I find interesting.

Do you really think that all the skills in Destiny are interesting and really that different? Most are you choosing some secondary effect for a skill you have to have. All gunslingers play nearly identically. All Voidwalkers play nearly identically. The changes to skills have a minimal effect on what you are doing in the game. You get 2 subclasses, which play somewhat differently. Deus Ex gives you infinity subclasses.

There are also only a handful of exotics that actually supplement a new playstyle.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 14:03 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don't think anyone would hate progressively building their characters if:

1. The requirement for progression is fun.
2. The requirement for progression is not random.
3. The progression makes the player make interesting choices about their progression.

Sounds like a game I've played recently called Destiny:

2. To progress you do missions and multiplayer that pay out a known amount of currency and use that currency to buy armor and weapons for known prices. Sometimes the game also rewards you with unexpected weapons and armors.

Can you get a Gjallarhorn or a black hammer that way? Can you get to level 32 with raid gear that way? Nope. If you want to do Hard mode tomorrow, you had to have gotten to 32 by way of an RNG.

I can't play hard mode at level 31? Gjallarhorn and Black Hammer are required... to progress... for anything?

3. There are choices between mutually exclusive subclass powers and choices between exotic weapons and armors all of which I find interesting.

Do you really think that all the skills in Destiny are interesting and really that different?

Yes. That's why I said it. (Currently I'm fretting over choosing between Bloom and the extra Super boost for the Voidwalker...)

There are also only a handful of exotics that actually supplement a new playstyle.

So? There's not much more than a handful of Exotics total.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:15 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I don't think anyone would hate progressively building their characters if:

1. The requirement for progression is fun.
2. The requirement for progression is not random.
3. The progression makes the player make interesting choices about their progression.

Sounds like a game I've played recently called Destiny:

2. To progress you do missions and multiplayer that pay out a known amount of currency and use that currency to buy armor and weapons for known prices. Sometimes the game also rewards you with unexpected weapons and armors.

Can you get a Gjallarhorn or a black hammer that way? Can you get to level 32 with raid gear that way? Nope. If you want to do Hard mode tomorrow, you had to have gotten to 32 by way of an RNG.

My hunter is just shy of 32, and the only RNG gear I have to show for that are the raid boots. The chest and gauntlets I bought from Iron Banner, and the helmet I got from Xur. Looks like you don't need RNG whatsoever to be ready for Hard Raid.

I can't play hard mode at level 31? Gjallarhorn and Black Hammer are required... to progress... for anything?

Nope. I noticed an odd thing last night. When I was running Nightfall last night with Cruel and Cody, I simply switched Characters and ran it. They all have different weapons at their disposal, and it's fun to adapt and push through... Cody spent about ten minutes each time swapping over all of his gear between his identical Hunters, and by the time he was done and joining us, we were already done killing the Ogre right before Crota. He missed out on over half of the Nightfall just to optimize his characters to guarantee that he would have his "correct version of fun." despite the fact that the argument could be made that he was "wasting people's time" and "forcing the game to take longer"... Something that he claims to avoid.

3. There are choices between mutually exclusive subclass powers and choices between exotic weapons and armors all of which I find interesting.

Do you really think that all the skills in Destiny are interesting and really that different?

Yes. That's why I said it. (Currently I'm fretting over choosing between Bloom and the extra Super boost for the Voidwalker...)

I too agree. My Warlock alone has three distinct loadouts that I like to run, all play differently from one another, and it's frustrating sometimes to realize that I don't have the "right" loadout equipped, since I'll have to either adjust my entire strategy, or spend time in the menus swapping out perks and gear... But there is a huge difference between a shotgunning Axion Bolt-using Surge Warlock, and a defensive Fusion Rifle-wielding Vortex Bomb, Bloom, and Lifesteal Warlock. Cody's opinion is invalidated by the simple fact that he has only ever used and run Hunters, and I guarantee all of their subclass perks are both identical and permanent.

There are also only a handful of exotics that actually supplement a new playstyle.

So? There's not much more than a handful of Exotics total.

Even the sucky ones, such as No Land Beyond, supplement a new playstyle. Use a Last Word instead of a Hawkmoon and tell me if you play exactly the same. I mean, they're both handcannons, right? How different could your playstyle with each be?


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:55 (3450 days ago) @ Korny
edited by DiscipleN2k, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 16:06

Can you get to level 32 with raid gear that way? Nope. If you want to do Hard mode tomorrow, you had to have gotten to 32 by way of an RNG.

My hunter is just shy of 32, and the only RNG gear I have to show for that are the raid boots. The chest and gauntlets I bought from Iron Banner, and the helmet I got from Xur. Looks like you don't need RNG whatsoever to be ready for Hard Raid.

Unfortunately "Just shy of 32" is still 31. I wish the game gave players credit for their progression through the light levels, but as far as it's concerned, being two light away from 32 is exactly the same as just hitting 31. The chest you got from IB is still going to limit you to 31. Only two of the four 36 light level armor pieces required to get a character to level 32 can be earned outright: The Iron Banner gloves, and one exotic armor piece of your choice. You still have to rely on RNG in the raid to get the other two pieces.

I was lucky enough to make it to 32 this weekend, but not lucky enough to score the raid helmet that would have let me take my Ruin Wings into the hard mode raid and avoid a 12 hour grind in Iron Banner to buy those stupid gloves. :(


Edited to attempt to sound like less of a condescending asshole at the beginning there.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:06 (3450 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

Can you get to level 32 with raid gear that way? Nope. If you want to do Hard mode tomorrow, you had to have gotten to 32 by way of an RNG.

My hunter is just shy of 32, and the only RNG gear I have to show for that are the raid boots. The chest and gauntlets I bought from Iron Banner, and the helmet I got from Xur. Looks like you don't need RNG whatsoever to be ready for Hard Raid.

Unfortunately "Just shy of 32" is still 31. I wish the game gave players credit for their progression through the light levels, but as far as it's concerned, being two light away from 32 is exactly the same as just hitting 31.

Does it not? We have that defense number that goes up and up as you activate the circles. Is the only change in actual toughness or damage resistance or whatever the big 31 to 32 transition? (My guess is no...)


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:34 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Does it not? We have that defense number that goes up and up as you activate the circles. Is the only change in actual toughness or damage resistance or whatever the big 31 to 32 transition? (My guess is no...)

Good point. I forgot about defense, but I haven't been able to see any noticeable difference in the amount of damage I take after increasing it. The only noticeable difference to me is the amount of damage I'm able to deal to enemies.

I would definitely be interested to see how much of a difference the defense stat actually makes, though.




by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 18:21 (3450 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

In normal crotas end this is the difference between getting one shotted by sword knights to getting two shotted by them.

Its 2 shotted by a boomerr vs 3 shotted.

Its your handcannon headshots killing thralls and acolytes in one hit instead of two.

its a world of difference.



by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 20:58 (3450 days ago) @ Spec ops Grunt

I know it's a huge difference when you make the jump from one level to the next, but I was curious what kind of a difference one or two "Upgrade Defense" bubbles makes within the same level.




by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 07:24 (3450 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

That I have no idea. I feel like some of the numbers in this game were made up and don't do anything to feel more like an rpg almost.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 16:29 (3450 days ago) @ Korny
edited by Cody Miller, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 16:36

Nope. I noticed an odd thing last night. When I was running Nightfall last night with Cruel and Cody, I simply switched Characters and ran it. They all have different weapons at their disposal, and it's fun to adapt and push through... Cody spent about ten minutes each time swapping over all of his gear between his identical Hunters, and by the time he was done and joining us, we were already done killing the Ogre right before Crota. He missed out on over half of the Nightfall just to optimize his characters to guarantee that he would have his "correct version of fun." despite the fact that the argument could be made that he was "wasting people's time" and "forcing the game to take longer"... Something that he claims to avoid.

1. It should not have to take that much time to switch if Bungie let you access your vault from orbit.
2. Spending a few minutes swapping weapons is to me better than splitting resources to level separate weapons for each character, requiring longer grind times.
3. You both did fine without me :-)
4. If I had gone in with sub par weapons, you'd be frustrated that I would be taking so long to kill stuff.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 18:09 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Nope. I noticed an odd thing last night. When I was running Nightfall last night with Cruel and Cody, I simply switched Characters and ran it. They all have different weapons at their disposal, and it's fun to adapt and push through... Cody spent about ten minutes each time swapping over all of his gear between his identical Hunters, and by the time he was done and joining us, we were already done killing the Ogre right before Crota. He missed out on over half of the Nightfall just to optimize his characters to guarantee that he would have his "correct version of fun." despite the fact that the argument could be made that he was "wasting people's time" and "forcing the game to take longer"... Something that he claims to avoid.

1. It should not have to take that much time to switch if Bungie let you access your vault from orbit.

That's not the reality of how things are, so it's still your fault.

2. Spending a few minutes swapping weapons is to me better than splitting resources to level separate weapons for each character, requiring longer grind times.

Don't you complain about having to level every single weapon, though? Clearly you should have a number of weapons of each element to spread across three characters. You don't NEEEEEEED to be packing a specific Loadout all the time.

3. You both did fine without me :-)

Well yeah, I had Cruel to carry us.

4. If I had gone in with sub par weapons, you'd be frustrated that I would be taking so long to kill stuff.

You frustrate us anyway with your usual gameplay antics, so I don't see what would change. ;)
Heck, my Titan isn't even carrying a leveled primary (the 331 IB rifle, remember?) and I did just fine.
Besides, with burns, even a completely unleveled arc weapon is a formidable force. I was using my brand new Light of the Abyss.
Also, you said yourself that rolling three characters has given you tons of raid gear. I don't see why you can't simply leave it on your alts. Completely unleveled, it still gets you to 30...

Also you said it yourself: you had to RNG to get the boots.

I simply rolled the boots as RNG, but level-wise, they made zero difference compared to the Vanguard/Crucible legs. The only reason I didn't buy them was because I got the raid boots on my first Crota run. I opted instead to buy Gauntlets that I liked (One shader gives the Hunter the signature blue wristbands that I've worn IRL for years, so yay customization). I didn't need RNG to hit 31, it was simply dropped in my lap as a surprise bonus (as all Loot should be perceived), which opened me up to more opportunities to buy things that I liked...


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 19:02 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

Also, you said yourself that rolling three characters has given you tons of raid gear. I don't see why you can't simply leave it on your alts. Completely unleveled, it still gets you to 30...

This I can answer. It's better to break them down into radiant materials, to level up the things that matter. I don't have the time, nor the inclination to put as much time as you do into Destiny. Maintaining one set of gear is simply head over heels easier and less time consuming than maintaining 1 plus 2 partial even.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 21:26 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Also, you said yourself that rolling three characters has given you tons of raid gear. I don't see why you can't simply leave it on your alts. Completely unleveled, it still gets you to 30...

This I can answer. It's better to break them down into radiant materials, to level up the things that matter. I don't have the time, nor the inclination to put as much time as you do into Destiny. Maintaining one set of gear is simply head over heels easier and less time consuming than maintaining 1 plus 2 partial even.

I really don't put too much time into Destiny (the past week has been primarily Iron Banner and Warframe), but it's pretty irrelevant, as the rate at which one acquires Radiant Shards/Energy isn't dependent on time, but simply completing three Crota runs over the course of seven days, which I'm sure you do on a regular basis. That in mind, having hit level 4 with Eris, I have more than enough Shards for all three characters to hit 32 (though the class-specific materials hold me back), so someone like you should already have more shards than you know what to do with, unless you're holding on to all of the energies so that you can level every single weapon you get from the raid, in which case, once again, it's your fault that you're not 30 with every character.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 00:02 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

I really don't put too much time into Destiny (the past week has been primarily Iron Banner and Warframe), but it's pretty irrelevant, as the rate at which one acquires Radiant Shards/Energy isn't dependent on time, but simply completing three Crota runs over the course of seven days, which I'm sure you do on a regular basis. That in mind, having hit level 4 with Eris, I have more than enough Shards for all three characters to hit 32 (though the class-specific materials hold me back), so someone like you should already have more shards than you know what to do with, unless you're holding on to all of the energies so that you can level every single weapon you get from the raid, in which case, once again, it's your fault that you're not 30 with every character.

I think I have 8 radiant shards right now having hit 32, and I'm only level 3 with Eris. How you have enough Shards to level three characters is completely beyond me!


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 01:04 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I really don't put too much time into Destiny (the past week has been primarily Iron Banner and Warframe), but it's pretty irrelevant, as the rate at which one acquires Radiant Shards/Energy isn't dependent on time, but simply completing three Crota runs over the course of seven days, which I'm sure you do on a regular basis. That in mind, having hit level 4 with Eris, I have more than enough Shards for all three characters to hit 32 (though the class-specific materials hold me back), so someone like you should already have more shards than you know what to do with, unless you're holding on to all of the energies so that you can level every single weapon you get from the raid, in which case, once again, it's your fault that you're not 30 with every character.

I think I have 8 radiant shards right now having hit 32, and I'm only level 3 with Eris. How you have enough Shards to level three characters is completely beyond me!

Well, working to have a 36 chest from Xur and Iron Banner gauntlets helped free up the need for 42 shards on My Hunter alone... Those shards go to my Titan. I also converted every single energy into Shards. It's all about managing your resources. But then, we already know you have trouble with that. ;)


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 07:34 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

Well, working to have a 36 chest from Xur and Iron Banner gauntlets helped free up the need for 42 shards on My Hunter alone... Those shards go to my Titan. I also converted every single energy into Shards. It's all about managing your resources. But then, we already know you have trouble with that. ;)

Ah I see, that makes sense. But you know I can't convert shit since that requires Eris level 4 and I'm only 3.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 16:31 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

I don't think anyone would hate progressively building their characters if:

1. The requirement for progression is fun.
2. The requirement for progression is not random.
3. The progression makes the player make interesting choices about their progression.

Sounds like a game I've played recently called Destiny:

2. To progress you do missions and multiplayer that pay out a known amount of currency and use that currency to buy armor and weapons for known prices. Sometimes the game also rewards you with unexpected weapons and armors.

Can you get a Gjallarhorn or a black hammer that way? Can you get to level 32 with raid gear that way? Nope. If you want to do Hard mode tomorrow, you had to have gotten to 32 by way of an RNG.

My hunter is just shy of 32, and the only RNG gear I have to show for that are the raid boots. The chest and gauntlets I bought from Iron Banner, and the helmet I got from Xur. Looks like you don't need RNG whatsoever to be ready for Hard Raid.

I am curious if the scale in the hard mode raid is 33-35 mimicking the normal raid, or if it's like VoG and it's 33 throughout. If the former, you'd do no damage to enemies that are level 35 as a 31. If the latter, it's doable, but going to be as tough as beating Crota as a 30 :-)

Also you said it yourself: you had to RNG to get the boots.

A common inventory would make life easier

by scarab @, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 10:00 (3449 days ago) @ Korny

Nope. I noticed an odd thing last night. When I was running Nightfall last night with Cruel and Cody, I simply switched Characters and ran it. They all have different weapons at their disposal, and it's fun to adapt and push through... Cody spent about ten minutes each time swapping over all of his gear between his identical Hunters, and by the time he was done and joining us, we were already done killing the Ogre right before Crota. He missed out on over half of the Nightfall just to optimize his characters to guarantee that he would have his "correct version of fun." despite the fact that the argument could be made that he was "wasting people's time" and "forcing the game to take longer"... Something that he claims to avoid.

Problem avoided if gear stayed in the vault (AKA inventory). He could equip his perfect gear set on all three hunters once and then not have to do anything again until he picked up a better piece of gear.

No waiting around for Cody. Yay!

I too agree. My Warlock alone has three distinct loadouts that I like to run, all play differently from one another, and it's frustrating sometimes to realize that I don't have the "right" loadout equipped, since I'll have to either adjust my entire strategy, or spend time in the menus swapping out perks and gear...

With a better vault you could switch faster - you could avoid the mini-game where you shuffle between characters and put stuff into and out of the vault to avoid space limitations. So things would be quicker on the days when you want to switch gear.

That doesn't help you switch perks so it would be nice if the game had loadouts. I imagine that you select a Create Loadout button and it displays a page that lets you:

  • name the loadout
  • select an image for it
  • opt out of subclass/perk attributes

Then when you click create it saves the current setup of an alt to a loadout.

Maybe you could use the navigator to associate a loadout with a location, if you were feeling really lazy and stuck in your ways. You could have specific layouts based on:

  • planet patrol
  • story mission
  • strike
  • raid

Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:31 (3450 days ago) @ ckamp

You contribute a lot to the community and you have a sharp mind. At the same time, you tend to universalize your experience of the world. As much as you may think you know what is best for people, you are limited because your brain neurons are wired in ways that are totally different from others. The stimuli that hits you as fun is going to be different than that which triggers the "fun" in others. People often say that you should try to see things from the other person's point of view. This is laudable, but it is also impossible. The best we can do it reach approximations of what we think that person may be experiencing.

You say I don't, but I fully realize that there are different tastes… when someone honestly says "I find X activity fun", they are not wrong. They CAN'T be wrong. They find it fun. True statement.

Thus when constructing a theory of fun or whatever you are talking about, you have to account for that. I can perfectly well explain why some people find dumb activities fun. It doesn't make the activity less dumb however!

Pixel Poppers has an old article that's very good regarding this.

It turns out there are two different ways people respond to challenges. Some people see them as opportunities to perform - to demonstrate their talent or intellect. Others see them as opportunities to master - to improve their skill or knowledge.

Say you take a person with a performance orientation ("Paul") and a person with a mastery orientation ("Matt"). Give them each an easy puzzle, and they will both do well. Paul will complete it quickly and smile proudly at how well he performed. Matt will complete it quickly and be satisfied that he has mastered the skill involved.

Now give them each a difficult puzzle. Paul will jump in gamely, but it will soon become clear he cannot overcome it as impressively as he did the last one. The opportunity to show off has disappeared, and Paul will lose interest and give up. Matt, on the other hand, when stymied, will push harder. His early failure means there's still something to be learned here, and he will persevere until he does so and solves the puzzle.

While a performance orientation improves motivation for easy challenges, it drastically reduces it for difficult ones. And since most work worth doing is difficult, it is the mastery orientation that is correlated with academic and professional success, as well as self-esteem and long-term happiness.

It's easy to see why someone with performance orientation will be drawn to games where success is primarily defined by putting in time with easy repetitive activities. If they were however taught to shift their thinking to mastery orientation, they would shun such games and see them for what they really are: lame. Even though they were actually having fun playing them.

Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 16:02 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

You contribute a lot to the community and you have a sharp mind. At the same time, you tend to universalize your experience of the world. As much as you may think you know what is best for people, you are limited because your brain neurons are wired in ways that are totally different from others. The stimuli that hits you as fun is going to be different than that which triggers the "fun" in others. People often say that you should try to see things from the other person's point of view. This is laudable, but it is also impossible. The best we can do it reach approximations of what we think that person may be experiencing.

You say I don't, but I fully realize that there are different tastes… when someone honestly says "I find X activity fun", they are not wrong. They CAN'T be wrong. They find it fun. True statement.

Thus when constructing a theory of fun or whatever you are talking about, you have to account for that. I can perfectly well explain why some people find dumb activities fun. It doesn't make the activity less dumb however!

Pixel Poppers has an old article that's very good regarding this.

It turns out there are two different ways people respond to challenges. Some people see them as opportunities to perform - to demonstrate their talent or intellect. Others see them as opportunities to master - to improve their skill or knowledge.

Say you take a person with a performance orientation ("Paul") and a person with a mastery orientation ("Matt"). Give them each an easy puzzle, and they will both do well. Paul will complete it quickly and smile proudly at how well he performed. Matt will complete it quickly and be satisfied that he has mastered the skill involved.

Now give them each a difficult puzzle. Paul will jump in gamely, but it will soon become clear he cannot overcome it as impressively as he did the last one. The opportunity to show off has disappeared, and Paul will lose interest and give up. Matt, on the other hand, when stymied, will push harder. His early failure means there's still something to be learned here, and he will persevere until he does so and solves the puzzle.

While a performance orientation improves motivation for easy challenges, it drastically reduces it for difficult ones. And since most work worth doing is difficult, it is the mastery orientation that is correlated with academic and professional success, as well as self-esteem and long-term happiness.

It's easy to see why someone with performance orientation will be drawn to games where success is primarily defined by putting in time with easy repetitive activities. If they were however taught to shift their thinking to mastery orientation, they would shun such games and see them for what they really are: lame. Even though they were actually having fun playing them.

So if the only two reasons to take up a challenge were the two described here, the problem could be broken down like this. But neither of these describes why *I* take up challenges in-game, for example - and I'd bet there are others here, in this very, very tiny subset of the gaming world, that could make the same statement.

::shrug:: Simplify ANY problem down to a pair of possible outcomes and you can solve most things. The trick is actually doing that simplification. :)

Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:13 (3450 days ago) @ Mid7night

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

Let's change that 'some' to 'one', okay? He's the first guy any of us has heard of doing this. With a 10 million player userbase, that's... hmm...

.00001% of the players (so far).

(I'm just saying - please don't try and draw any general conclusions from this. Which is what you just did. :) )


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:23 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

Let's change that 'some' to 'one', okay? He's the first guy any of us has heard of doing this. With a 10 million player userbase, that's... hmm...

.00001% of the players (so far).

(I'm just saying - please don't try and draw any general conclusions from this. Which is what you just did. :) )

Yes, he's the first we've heard of building a servo-bot like this, but he's not the first to think of ways around the "standard" pathway, and he's definitely not the first one to be frustrated by the slow progression of alt-characters. He's just the first to think, literally, outside the (X)box. Just because we haven't heard of anyone else building bots doesn't mean we can't deduce that this might be a preferable method for more than just ONE in 10-million.

Maybe I should've said "might be" or "could be" instead of "IS", but I think that's a bit hair-splitting. From what I know of you, I'm fairly certain you're not worried I speak for you, so I'm now more curious why my statement bothered you so.... ?

Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:59 (3450 days ago) @ Mid7night

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

Let's change that 'some' to 'one', okay? He's the first guy any of us has heard of doing this. With a 10 million player userbase, that's... hmm...

.00001% of the players (so far).

(I'm just saying - please don't try and draw any general conclusions from this. Which is what you just did. :) )

Yes, he's the first we've heard of building a servo-bot like this, but he's not the first to think of ways around the "standard" pathway, and he's definitely not the first one to be frustrated by the slow progression of alt-characters. He's just the first to think, literally, outside the (X)box. Just because we haven't heard of anyone else building bots doesn't mean we can't deduce that this might be a preferable method for more than just ONE in 10-million.

Maybe I should've said "might be" or "could be" instead of "IS", but I think that's a bit hair-splitting. From what I know of you, I'm fairly certain you're not worried I speak for you, so I'm now more curious why my statement bothered you so.... ?

It's less about WHAT he did, as WHY he did it. You drew a conclusion that the reason to do this is because the system is frustratingly broken, I can think of a LOT of reasons to do it that DON'T involve holding that opinion. (Some people do cool things because they can.)

Sure, other people have found ways around the normal game progression, and sure, some of them have said they've done this because they find the progression frustrating or boring. I didn't really like seeing this guy classed in with them, is all. It's not the same at all.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:56 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

1. Destiny's progression/reward system is so frustratingly slow/broken that ^THIS^ is a preferable alternative for some.

Let's change that 'some' to 'one', okay? He's the first guy any of us has heard of doing this. With a 10 million player userbase, that's... hmm...

.00001% of the players (so far).

(I'm just saying - please don't try and draw any general conclusions from this. Which is what you just did. :) )

Yes, he's the first we've heard of building a servo-bot like this, but he's not the first to think of ways around the "standard" pathway, and he's definitely not the first one to be frustrated by the slow progression of alt-characters. He's just the first to think, literally, outside the (X)box. Just because we haven't heard of anyone else building bots doesn't mean we can't deduce that this might be a preferable method for more than just ONE in 10-million.

Maybe I should've said "might be" or "could be" instead of "IS", but I think that's a bit hair-splitting. From what I know of you, I'm fairly certain you're not worried I speak for you, so I'm now more curious why my statement bothered you so.... ?

It's less about WHAT he did, as WHY he did it. You drew a conclusion that the reason to do this is because the system is frustratingly broken, I can think of a LOT of reasons to do it that DON'T involve holding that opinion. (Some people do cool things because they can.)

Sure, other people have found ways around the normal game progression, and sure, some of them have said they've done this because they find the progression frustrating or boring. I didn't really like seeing this guy classed in with them, is all. It's not the same at all.

His Reddit post seems to say he did it because he found the process of leveling his 2nd character "joyless": "when I went to level up my titan it felt so joyless. So this popped into my head as a fun little challenge."

So while he did do it somewhat just to see if he could, it was also because he didn't want to grind through the lower level stuff again.

What I was trying to say is that this wouldn't have been tried if the progression-system wasn't frustrating or boring. If he hadn't found the leveling-process "joyless", he most likely never would've had this idea because he wouldn't have had a reason to. Not that there aren't other reasons to do something like this, but in this case the game-frustrations WERE the initial impetus to think differently.


Smart man automates Destiny grinding

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:14 (3450 days ago) @ Mid7night

His Reddit post seems to say he did it because he found the process of leveling his 2nd character "joyless"

That's sad, or maybe interesting. I think the two best points in Destiny are the level 1 to 20 climb since you get something new every mission or two, and when you get near the current max level since for a time you are king of the world. *Holds out arms, closes eyes, and leans forward*

Recently I've been leveling up my third character and it's that sudden stop where you've hit 20 but you have no marks, no faction reputation, and no real way to get enough of either for (perhaps) literally days of play that frustrates me. That frustration lasted until I got to level 26 and could finally do any normal task I wanted again. (Basically including and up to all the strike playlists)


My main got nightfall exotics and legendaries for my alts

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 18:25 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

1-20 was frustrating cause the story mode is a shit.

then they both instantly jumped to 26.

now they are at 28 and 29 and its a pain in the ass to get them raid ready, to the point I don't care and are thinking about deleting them. The baggage of feeling an obligation to level them has kept me from playing for the past week or so.

Wouldn't it be easier to

by yakaman, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 06:21 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

- No text -


Well, yeah....

by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 07:23 (3451 days ago) @ yakaman

....and he seemed excited to do just that, after waking up. This is something he set up to run on without him while he did other things, like sleep.


Well, yeah....

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 08:19 (3451 days ago) @ Mid7night

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing



by Mid7night ⌂ @, Rocket BSCHSHCSHSHCCHGGH!!!!!!, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:41 (3450 days ago) @ ZackDark

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing

Some people are forgetting that aspect of what he did here. Maybe he's programmed servos or RaspberryPi's before (or whatever he used) or maybe this was his first thing; either way he probably learned something about robotics and programming, and in all seriousness these kinds of "toy hacks" are very often stepping stones to larger more meaningful breakthroughs later on. This is lateral thinking in fine form, and that's awesome.


by ckamp, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:27 (3450 days ago) @ Mid7night

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by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 12:08 (3450 days ago) @ Mid7night

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing

Some people are forgetting that aspect of what he did here. Maybe he's programmed servos or RaspberryPi's before (or whatever he used) or maybe this was his first thing; either way he probably learned something about robotics and programming, and in all seriousness these kinds of "toy hacks" are very often stepping stones to larger more meaningful breakthroughs later on. This is lateral thinking in fine form, and that's awesome.

I'm crossing my fingers this kid goes on to invent robots that abolish the need for labor. It's a glorious future, comrades!


by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:00 (3450 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing

Some people are forgetting that aspect of what he did here. Maybe he's programmed servos or RaspberryPi's before (or whatever he used) or maybe this was his first thing; either way he probably learned something about robotics and programming, and in all seriousness these kinds of "toy hacks" are very often stepping stones to larger more meaningful breakthroughs later on. This is lateral thinking in fine form, and that's awesome.

I'm crossing my fingers this kid goes on to invent robots that abolish the need for labor. It's a glorious future, comrades!

Only for him - the rest of us are jobless and can't pay for food!



by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:04 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing

Some people are forgetting that aspect of what he did here. Maybe he's programmed servos or RaspberryPi's before (or whatever he used) or maybe this was his first thing; either way he probably learned something about robotics and programming, and in all seriousness these kinds of "toy hacks" are very often stepping stones to larger more meaningful breakthroughs later on. This is lateral thinking in fine form, and that's awesome.

I'm crossing my fingers this kid goes on to invent robots that abolish the need for labor. It's a glorious future, comrades!

Only for him - the rest of us are jobless and can't pay for food!

Why do you need to pay for food when the Federation gives you more credits than you will ever need, and replicators?


by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:10 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing

Some people are forgetting that aspect of what he did here. Maybe he's programmed servos or RaspberryPi's before (or whatever he used) or maybe this was his first thing; either way he probably learned something about robotics and programming, and in all seriousness these kinds of "toy hacks" are very often stepping stones to larger more meaningful breakthroughs later on. This is lateral thinking in fine form, and that's awesome.

I'm crossing my fingers this kid goes on to invent robots that abolish the need for labor. It's a glorious future, comrades!

Only for him - the rest of us are jobless and can't pay for food!

Why do you need to pay for food when the Federation gives you more credits than you will ever need, and replicators?

Man, if I had a replicator, I'd never get off the couch.



by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:16 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Not to mention how fun it might be actually building the damn thing

Some people are forgetting that aspect of what he did here. Maybe he's programmed servos or RaspberryPi's before (or whatever he used) or maybe this was his first thing; either way he probably learned something about robotics and programming, and in all seriousness these kinds of "toy hacks" are very often stepping stones to larger more meaningful breakthroughs later on. This is lateral thinking in fine form, and that's awesome.

I'm crossing my fingers this kid goes on to invent robots that abolish the need for labor. It's a glorious future, comrades!

Only for him - the rest of us are jobless and can't pay for food!

Why do you need to pay for food when the Federation gives you more credits than you will ever need, and replicators?

Man, if I had a replicator, I'd never get off the couch.

You would get off the couch to walk to the holodeck occasionally.


HoloCouch. Problem solved.

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:18 (3450 days ago) @ Cody Miller

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by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 13:20 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

First on Claude's "To replicate list": at least 10 more Claude's, to keep up with HBO, DBO, building that one thing, those family people\things that keeps bugging him for some reason, and other stuff.

Meanwhile, Claude 1.0 lays in a hammock.


by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:54 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988

First on Claude's "To replicate list": at least 10 more Claude's, to keep up with HBO, DBO, building that one thing, those family people\things that keeps bugging him for some reason, and other stuff.

Meanwhile, Claude 1.0 lays in a hammock.

I'm pretty sure that's an old Michael Keaton movie. It turned out pretty badly. I'd like to think I'm smarter than that. :)

Just don't make a copy of a copy and you'll be fine.

by rhubarb, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 16:48 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

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Paper Jam Claude...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 21:29 (3450 days ago) @ Revenant1988

Would make the site a touch more... interesting...


Paper Jam Claude...

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 08:33 (3450 days ago) @ Korny

What is this show and where can I watch it?


Paper Jam Claude...

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 08:56 (3449 days ago) @ Revenant1988

What is this show and where can I watch it?

It's called Gravity Falls, and is up there with the Avatar series as possibly the best Western-animated series to ever yes.

It's actually incredibly clever, with a ton of depth and stuff to mull and puzzle over. There are hidden messages and subliminal things in each episode...

Also, the theme song is catchy as heck...

(Also, Linda Cardellini voices one of the characters, and she was my Ellen Page before there was Ellen Page.)



by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 14:03 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

What if it was across the way in the kitchen?!


by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:55 (3450 days ago) @ Ragashingo

What if it was across the way in the kitchen?!

I'd probably just replicate the replicator, so I could keep one next to the couch.


by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:04 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

What if it was across the way in the kitchen?!

I'd probably just replicate the replicator, so I could keep one next to the couch.

The nerd in me wants to argue power supplies, the geek in me wants to subscribe to your newsletter. Now, don't forget to replicate robots to take your couch to the bathroom for you.



by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 17:35 (3450 days ago) @ Claude Errera

What if it was across the way in the kitchen?!

I'd probably just replicate the replicator, so I could keep one next to the couch.

Well... I guess the economics of the future are somewhat different. ;)



by RC ⌂, UK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 07:07 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

Bungie nerf cannon meets its match?

Just a note on linking etiquette: if you can, give the original source of the story. I.e. this Reddit post. Saves people from digging around through potential link-chains and/or giving commercial sites (that they may not like) page-views for cheap newsposts.

If you want to give the newsite a link, then you can give them a "via Kotaku" or 'found on Kotaku' or whatever.

/pet peeve of mine.


Exclusion Zone

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 08:21 (3451 days ago) @ rhubarb

Now only if it could be set to use resupply codes and kill tons of Cabal.


Not a choke point

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 08:47 (3450 days ago) @ unoudid

You'd need a hell of a bot to do that


Someone needs to get on that then

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:05 (3450 days ago) @ ZackDark


I can't imagine anyone making a bot to play AotCR.

by scarab @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 09:44 (3450 days ago) @ rhubarb

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I can't imagine anyone making a bot to play AotCR.

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:01 (3450 days ago) @ scarab

It sure would nail the bridge jump more often than me. :p

I have NEVER managed that.

by scarab @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 10:06 (3450 days ago) @ ZackDark

anyone know a frikin genius who could make me a bot?


I never asked for this

by Spec ops Grunt @, Broklahoma, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:53 (3450 days ago) @ scarab

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by RC ⌂, UK, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 15:33 (3450 days ago) @ scarab

anyone know a frikin genius who could make me a bot?

Hardware is the problem here, isn't it?

It should be relatively simple to set a consistent start point (rammed into a corner, looking down), then set your control scheme up the same way as a macro recording from someone who can do the trick.

The problem is just capturing and playing back that sequence of inputs. Modifications which - I'm pretty sure - go against the TOU/TOS.

Didn't Nintendo have a feature on some of their games a few years back where you could pick up playing from someone's replay?


Kirk Hamilton is right

by SonofMacPhisto @, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 11:57 (3450 days ago) @ rhubarb

Bungie is the final boss of Destiny. Haha.

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