Suggestion: Email updates on Changes (DBO)

by Earendil, Wednesday, January 14, 2015, 11:09 (3611 days ago) @ Beorn

Here are a few that I don't think I've seen mentioned yet. I thought I'd send them your way because I'm sure you are completely out of new ideas and suggestions to implement, and your free time is burning holes in your pocket :)

The three things I'd love to see sometime in the future:

A) Ability to pm/email participants
B) Automatic email updates (e.g. updates when a thread has a replay). At minimum I'd like to know:
C) Clean mobile interface


Ability to pm/email participants

As an event creator, I'd like to be able to quickly contact those that have signed up via an active means, instead of a passive means such as creating a thread in hopes that they see it, or updating the description and hope that they catch it.

Either via a PM system (which I don't think *BO has?), or perhaps via email. Might require a participant to check a box stating they don't mind the creator emailing them. Maybe it could be anonymous emailing?


Automatic email updates

I'd love to be informed via email of the following actions in each situation:

As an event creator:
1. When my team is maxed
2. When someone joins
3. When someone leaves

As an event participant:
1. If the event changes time
2. If the event changes description
3. Reminders for events coming up (there are substitute mechanisms for this though)
4. When my team is maxed

Those items above the "Bonus" lines I consider to be information that would likely cause me to take action, or get me to come to the forum to post. Those things under the bonus would just be "nice to haves", but wouldn't impact how I interact with the system.

Use Cases:
I spent a lot of yesterday as an event creator refreshing the page simply to see if anyone else had signed up.

Use Case:
A few guys on the forum this morning were wondering if an event they were signed up for had been canceled. It'd suck even more if they hopped online at the last minute only to realize the even was canceled the day before, or the time had been bumped up an hour.

Of course, have it all be customizable such that I can pick and choose only those things I'd like to be informed of :)


Clean mobile interface

I probably don't need to say this, but having a slicker mobile interface would be helpful. As is I have to do a lot of zooming and scrolling to read the info on my phone, and I have to do it all again when I refresh the page.

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