
Flawless Raiders... Assemble! (Recruitment)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, January 08, 2015, 08:58 (3453 days ago) @ TheeChaos

I posted a Fireteam Builder Post. Late Night isnt an issue friday and saturday nights. During the week I cannot due to an early work day. If my Fireteam Builder is unsuccessful would you guys be interested in doing this during the weekend?

Also if possible I could do Crotas end if you are doing normal. If you guys need the help I would probably be more interested in that.

Sounds good. As I said, most of my group will be doing Crota tonight... I'm not sure if we have a full team or not. I can't speak for everyone else, but I would certainly be free to help you run VoG Hard later on Friday or Saturday night. I was planning on scheduling and event for Friday night anyway. Do you want to edit your event and shift it to Friday night? That way it won't be overlapping with Kermit's VoG normal run tonight. Might be easier to get a full group together :)

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