
Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST (Recruitment)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, January 05, 2015, 11:43 (3456 days ago)
edited by Kermit, Monday, January 05, 2015, 11:46


The daily mission, followed by the Nightfall mission (or Weekly Heroic--your choice)


Guardians level 28 and up


Xbox Live on the Xbox One


Members sign up with their gamertags using the event listing.

I will invite you to an XBL party shortly before 9 EST. When the party is full the Co-op Night Random Team Generator (RTG) will assign teams. Teams will break off, and I'll invite more people to the party until I've included everyone. This process should wrap up by ~9:05.


To have the opportunity to play with community members you may not have played with before, to have a predictable time during the week to cooperatively tackle a harder challenge, and to kick some alien butt.



P.S. Remember that on co-op night, assists count more than kills.

I'm in

by Earendil, Monday, January 05, 2015, 12:53 (3456 days ago) @ Kermit

I'm in unless my only two real life non-DBO friends are online at exactly the same time and begging me to play the weekly.


I'm in

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, January 05, 2015, 14:57 (3456 days ago) @ Earendil

Cool! Add an RVSP.

Hi, my name is...

by Earendil, Monday, January 05, 2015, 15:16 (3456 days ago) @ Kermit

...Finwe of Noldor. I'm already signed up. It's nice to meet you :)

I respond best to "Fin" or "Fin-wee". Mumbling some murdered version of "Noldor" usually doesn't work :)


Hi, my name is...

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, January 05, 2015, 15:39 (3456 days ago) @ Earendil

...Finwe of Noldor. I'm already signed up. It's nice to meet you :)

I respond best to "Fin" or "Fin-wee". Mumbling some murdered version of "Noldor" usually doesn't work :)

Ah, should have checked the spreadsheet. :)


Hi, my name is...

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 16:24 (3455 days ago) @ Kermit

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...slim shady.

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 16:25 (3455 days ago) @ iconicbanana

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by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 13:30 (3454 days ago) @ iconicbanana

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Pencil me in

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Monday, January 05, 2015, 23:31 (3456 days ago) @ Kermit

I intend to join in, but not sure yet if I'll be able to get on by that time so I'll wait to RSVP.

Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 07:34 (3455 days ago) @ Kermit

I should be be, but we should be doing the Nightfall first.


Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 07:51 (3455 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

I should be be, but we should be doing the Nightfall first.

What's your rationale, to get the experience buff first?

I thought of the daily as a warm-up--that's my rationale.

Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST

by ChrisTheeCrappy, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 08:05 (3455 days ago) @ Kermit

Yea, pretty much. I like the buff but it may not be as easy as last weeks.


Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 09:34 (3455 days ago) @ ChrisTheeCrappy

I'm flexible. Don't forget to RVSP if you decide to come.


Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 07:52 (3455 days ago) @ Kermit

I already did the daily chapter this morning at 4AM (yay newborns), but I'll gladly blast through it again. I think it's one of the easier dailies (though with lightswitch today it's a little bit nasty!)

Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST

by Warbow, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 16:22 (3455 days ago) @ Kermit

If I'm the odd man out, I can bail.


Co-op Night (XB1 Edition) Tues@9 PM EST

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 17:36 (3455 days ago) @ Warbow

Nah. It's likely that we have at least one two-man team or maybe two. It all depends on the RTG!

pssst! Kermit!

by Earendil, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 18:08 (3455 days ago) @ Kermit

Is this thing on? Don't forget my XB1 name is different than my DBO name :)


Apologies to everyone.

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, January 06, 2015, 19:21 (3455 days ago) @ Earendil

When I got on tonight my mic wouldn't work. I'm still troubleshooting.


Mic trouble

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 08:41 (3454 days ago) @ Kermit

Okay, I finally got one of my mics to work around the time I had to log off last night.

Has anyone else had trouble with the mics on the XB1?

I've had trouble before, and I don't know what causes it. I tried rebooting the console half a dozen times. I played around with the settings, checked my connections, and switched back and forth between my Astros A40s and the default headset/mic. Someone on youtube suggested turning off Kinect chat capability and then reselecting "Choose this person" from the sign in page. That didn't work, or maybe it did eventually. The last time I switched back to the A40s the mic magically started working again.

I'm sorry again to those of you who signed up to participate in Co-op Night. I hope that some of you were able to get together and play regardless. We'll try again next week.

It's cool, and mic comments

by Earendil, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 10:02 (3454 days ago) @ Kermit

When I logged on I had other people trying to get me to do nightfall, so it worked out for me.

I didn't have audio trouble at until later that night. I joined a new group for the raid and couldn't hear anyone, though they could hear me. That is odd, because all other game and XB1 sound was hitting my headphones, it was just the voice that wasn't. We tried both game chat and party chat, nothing. I restarted my XBox and still nothing, until I was in the party for 20 seconds and suddenly it started working.

Note that given my scenario, a loose headphone connection could not have caused it. My mic worked fine, it was just that certain audio was selectively hitting the headphones.


It's cool, and mic comments

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 10:08 (3454 days ago) @ Earendil

When I logged on I had other people trying to get me to do nightfall, so it worked out for me.

I didn't have audio trouble at until later that night. I joined a new group for the raid and couldn't hear anyone, though they could hear me. That is odd, because all other game and XB1 sound was hitting my headphones, it was just the voice that wasn't. We tried both game chat and party chat, nothing. I restarted my XBox and still nothing, until I was in the party for 20 seconds and suddenly it started working.

Note that given my scenario, a loose headphone connection could not have caused it. My mic worked fine, it was just that certain audio was selectively hitting the headphones.

I was going back and forth between two headsets, so I knew the odds were low that both had problems. And again, this has happened before. They need to fix this already.

It's cool, and mic comments

by Earendil, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 10:13 (3454 days ago) @ Kermit

The question is, who is "they"?
I don't know how much overlap the two chat systems have, but the party chat is for sure an XBox thing and if broken there is nothing Bungie can do.


It's cool, and mic comments

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 10:31 (3454 days ago) @ Earendil

The question is, who is "they"?
I don't know how much overlap the two chat systems have, but the party chat is for sure an XBox thing and if broken there is nothing Bungie can do.

Oh, I'm putting this ball firmly in Microsoft's court. I've had issues with PS4 chat, too, but they've been different, and mainly about volume levels when using the USB instead of the standard audio cable connection.

Mic trouble

by CaneCutter @, Alabama, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 12:45 (3454 days ago) @ Kermit

Has anyone else had trouble with the mics on the XB1?

Yes - along with several other things. I kinda hate my XB1. It's the worst gaming purchase I've ever made.

- CC HAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahaha


That is a darn shame, friend.

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 16:52 (3454 days ago) @ CaneCutter

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Mic trouble

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 13:28 (3454 days ago) @ Kermit

Has anyone else had trouble with the mics on the XB1?

Not really. The headset's built like crap and won't stay put on my head, but the actual mic works very well. Even out of position, it picks up my voice MUCH better than the 360 ever did. The 360 had trouble recognizing that my voice was a voice, and would constantly stop transmitting right in the middle of a sentence.

What I have had, at least until I switched routers, was a frequent inability to join voice chat sessions (both XBL and in-game chat) and games due to the XBone not liking my NAT situation. It doesn't sound like that's what's happening to you, though - if it were, switching headsets wouldn't help at all.

I wonder if there is actually something wrong with the port on your controller where the headset connects. You don't have a 2nd controller to try, do you?


Mic trouble

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 14:47 (3454 days ago) @ stabbim

Has anyone else had trouble with the mics on the XB1?

Not really. The headset's built like crap and won't stay put on my head, but the actual mic works very well. Even out of position, it picks up my voice MUCH better than the 360 ever did. The 360 had trouble recognizing that my voice was a voice, and would constantly stop transmitting right in the middle of a sentence.

What I have had, at least until I switched routers, was a frequent inability to join voice chat sessions (both XBL and in-game chat) and games due to the XBone not liking my NAT situation. It doesn't sound like that's what's happening to you, though - if it were, switching headsets wouldn't help at all.

I wonder if there is actually something wrong with the port on your controller where the headset connects. You don't have a 2nd controller to try, do you?

No, not yet. Don't really need one, don't really want another black one, and don't like what else is available. This one is okay, though.


Mic trouble

by JDQuackers ⌂ @, McMurray, PA, Wednesday, January 07, 2015, 18:06 (3454 days ago) @ Kermit

Do you want to swap controllers? I have a 2nd that I exclusively use on PC and have no use for the expansion port. I'd gladly swap it for yours


Mic trouble

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, January 08, 2015, 13:57 (3453 days ago) @ JDQuackers

Do you want to swap controllers? I have a 2nd that I exclusively use on PC and have no use for the expansion port. I'd gladly swap it for yours

Heh, I just ordered that second controller.

Very nice of you to offer, though.

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