Vantard Mental Misgivings (Destiny)

by PsycoJoe, Thursday, January 01, 2015, 04:03 (3621 days ago)

Ok Bungie, that's #3. How many more will it take until you understand that I WILL NOT voluntarily enter the Excrucible? If Exotic Bounties contain PVP as one of the 'steps', then I won't do them. In fact, how about something that would allow me (and others, of course) to just dismiss the missive without having to choose one only to abandon it?

I've had to do this three times already. The only bounty I've encountered that didn't require massive humiliation on my part allowed me to gain Super Good Advice. I know you're tracking what I do. If you didn't understand how I could abandon a mini side-quest which led to a *cough*powerful*cough* weapon, then now you know.

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