PAX East Pass

by thebruce ⌂, Ontario, Canada, Thursday, March 14, 2013, 06:34 (4091 days ago) @ Kermit

I'm sad to say that I've had some issues come up that will keep me from attending PAX East next week, but that means I've got an three-day pass if anyone here needs one. I delayed this decision until now out of hope that it might work out.

I was really looking forward to seeing those of you attending.

Anyway, I'd like to recoup what I paid ($70), and I'll get it to you by early next week. I'll post it on ebay tomorrow, but wanted my peeps to have first shot.

Respond via e-mail.

One sad frog

Aw man, I'd have loved to claim it but I have plans now... hadn't planned to attend this year, again, but it was so great when I went 2 years ago. Really gotta plan to go again... I'd hoped to get to Prime last year, but that didn't work out.
Still hoping to eek a way to HBOHIO in April, but I've got a conference in Seattle in July that's a top priority.

It's the future, man...
Y do travel cost suck still?
Want teleporter!

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