
No. (Recruitment)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, December 18, 2014, 12:20 (3474 days ago) @ iconicbanana

1. Today is a crappy day. Many things have gone wrong. And I'm sick. I think I'd get frustrated too easily right now.
2. I'm not sure how it looked on y'all's end but I felt like I was getting my ass kicked by being under level. I don't intend to try again until I'm a level 31. I've got the armor in place, just have to level it.

It was fun playing with everyone though. I think we may have been one of the fastest DBO groups to correctly figure out the totem bridge. And, it was awesome getting to make a deciding difference with my blinding Ward of Dawn at the end of the dark run... once I stopped falling into holes. :p

Go beat the jerk for me and remind him that the sword he's using is his backup since we disappeared his original! :)

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