
360 Noob Raid Reminder tonight @ 8pm EST! (Recruitment)

by Blackt1g3r @, Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Friday, December 05, 2014, 14:19 (3585 days ago) @ Kermit

I'll be on the other 360 Raid of the night, but if I hop on a lot of time in advance, I could definitely help out. Also, if we manage to wrap it up (we're on Atheon right now) before you guys, I'll also be free to help out.

I suspect we will need all the help we can get! Although, Kermit probably counts for two....

And there was great laughter across the bungie.org realm... I'm a mediocre player at best, friend, but my armor, guns, and sunsinger should help. I've never been the most experienced player in a Raid, so this should be interesting if that turns out to be true this time.

I've only done two raids so I think you'll be the most experienced this time Kermit. :)

BTW - I saw online a secret route after you find the first loot chest. I was thinking of going that way this time, but I don't think everyone will want to follow. Have you gone that way before?

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