
Age range *OT*

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Monday, March 11, 2013, 13:04 (4086 days ago) @ Mr Daax

I'm 27. I fell in love with Halo:CE shortly after it was released (it would have been during my junior year of high school) and I started playing it at a friend's house. Each day for several weeks, during lunch break I'd leave school (we were allowed to if we had a driver's license) and go to his house, letting myself in with the hidden key, and play through a bit more of the campaign. I finished it, but didn't want to stop playing, and as soon as I was able I bought my own XBox and a fresh copy of Halo. I had always played video games, sometimes even to excess, but this was the time when I decided I was a gamer.

My Bungie fandom didn't start until around 2003 or 2004, after I'd gone off to college, played some LAN multiplayer, and learned about all the cool tricks people were doing, and things like Red vs. Blue. Naturally, somewhere along the way I ended up at HBO (it's hard to remember precisely when) and started following the news there during the lead-up to Halo 4. Hardcore fandom like that was new to me, so starting with the Halo 4 lead-up, things like I Love Bees and the massive hype, left a major impression. Bungie's attitude toward their fans left an impression as well - I smile every time I see one of them post here. They can't say much right now, but it's nice to know they're around.

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