Xur has The Last Word. (Destiny)

by Mattchoo, Friday, November 14, 2014, 10:54 (3758 days ago) @ bluerunner

I am so excited about this.

I have a lot of Destiny play time (XB1), and this was the one weapon I still REALLY REALLY was looking forward to getting. I can't check b.net from work and the APP is no longer showing me my playtime, but I think I'm right at 6.5 days or so. I think that is quite a bit... right?

I've gotten ok RNG so far in the game, but hadn't yet rolled the right dice for this one and it was driving me crazy. It really was the one gun I wanted badly since I heard it on the Podcast back in 2013.

Do I see/agree with the feedback that either Xur needs to sell these things at much higher prices OR that he sells hard bounties to complete for rights to turn in for his weapons table? Yes.

But do I think that the people that had the gun that are now upset have a justified reason? No. Everyone knows what his loot table is. They should have been complaining long long before. Also, "technically" obtaining strange coins from the weekly is "earning" still. But again, I fully support Xur selling hard new exotic weapon bounties (only available thru him) that you complete to turn into him for the weapon. That sounds like a really really cool way to grow Destiny into the supremely special game we want it to be.

This morning felt like Christmas as a 7 year old. I texted my founding clan-mate at 6 AM CST and then quickly shot an email off to everyone else. Cool moment outside of Destiny

Sorry if my wording is incoherent today... I'm not thinking well from not enough sleep, another stressful work week, and jittery from too much coffee - which I only recently started drinking coffee this year as a result of Destiny.

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