
by thebruce ⌂, Ontario, Canada, Friday, March 08, 2013, 13:37 (4374 days ago) @ Claude Errera

I long for the days when people weren't so bitter. :(

There's also a fine line between the impression of bitterness and being a realist :P

Personally, I hope for all this new and crazy stuff (even stuff I can't necessarily partake in myself, nor in some case desire to), but realistically it's harder to see it happening; almost as if failed experiments (along with the more apparent bitterness that can spread socially through the 'net these days) are causing more people to not even attempt to try things like this.

But the potential is definitely exciting! More experiments should be undertaken, it's the only way we can move forward and hone these types of experiences, to get better and better, and attractive to more people (if that's the creators' hope, as opposed to focusing quality on a smaller niche audience).

Anyhow... all that to say, yes, I agree :)

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