
Late Night Raid - Hard Mode Tonight? [PS4] (Recruitment)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, October 30, 2014, 08:58 (3533 days ago)

I had a big bowl of bravery for breakfast this morning, so I'm feeling like taking another crack at the Raid on Hard Mode. Ideally, I'd love to try and get through it in 1 sitting, but I'm totally ok with spreading it out across a few nights.

When: Tonight, starting at 12:30am EST.

The fight against Atheon will certainly be interesting, now that Random teleportation is a thing. I'm not above cheesing him (which is apparently still possible, even after the patch). I've got plenty of experience cheesing the Templar too, so that boss fight shouldn't be too much trouble.

A few random tips, based on my first time completing the Raid on Hard:

* Leveled weapons are crucial. The grunt enemies you come up against are tough as nails, so you need to be able to hit them with a lot of damage.

* Icebreakers, Icebreakers, Icebreakers. Oh, and more Icebreakers. Seriously, it's not a bad idea for everyone in the fireteam to equip one. Several of the encounters are best handled from extreme long range.

* A full fireteam of Sunsinger Warlocks is not an entirely bad idea ;)

* More than anything else, clear and concise callouts are a 100% must-have. Every oracle needs to be immediately spotted and accounted for.

* The entire fireteam needs to be comfortable carrying the Relic. This isn't such a big deal during the Templar battle. But it's very important during the Atheon battle, now that players are teleported randomly. Without the ability to predict who's going to the past/future, all players must know how to fill all possible roles.
Expect to do many test runs as everyone gets comfortable with the various tasks.

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