
Raid tonight [PS4]? (Recruitment)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Monday, October 27, 2014, 18:13 (3531 days ago) @ Pyromancy

My Warlock (not a Sunsinger unfortunately) is now lvl 27 and I might even be able to get him to 28 by tonight. This means I can now run the raid at least twice a week, and I figured I might as well try to get my Warlock's virgin run in tonight before the reset.

Anybody [on PS4] gonna be around for a quick run tonight?

I'm on, but is there any special accounting for someone who hasn't run the raid yet and doesn't want to have everything spoiled?
Warlock, 28, Central Timezone

Have you found others yet?

Most of the other DBOers I have run the Raid with appear to be on tonight, so there is probably a decent chance of getting a group together. However, you would likely be the only one to have not done the raid multiple times, so it might be kind of hard to keep quiet and not just run through (especially with the limited timeframe on a weeknight). If you're fine with trying to run through it in ~90 minutes with some veterans, I, sure we'd be happy to have you. On the other hand, if you want to wait and do it with less experienced raiders, I would be happy to be a silent teammate when you can get such a group together!

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