
Late night Raid 2.0 [PS4] (Recruitment)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, October 20, 2014, 10:30 (3631 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Hello everyone!

I've got the itch to run the Vault of Glass again, so I'm thinking of trying to put a team together tonight. Same situation as before:

* Looking to start around 12:30am EST
* 28 Warlock
* I can't use my mic, but I know what I'm doing. Happy to fill whatever role the team needs me to fill (although I prefer to not handle the relic. I can, but I think it's important for the person with the relic to be able to talk).

I'm aiming to run the raid on Normal, but if people would rather do a Hard run I don't mind giving it a shot. I'm level 28 at the moment, but I actually have gear that will bump me up to 29 if I equip it. My main concern is that I'm not sure if my weapons are upgraded to the point that they should be to handle Hard mode.

If anyone wants to join in, feel free to add me on PSN: CruelLEGACEY
I'll be sending out a message to all my online friends when I'm ready to start, and I'll post here as well.

Sure, why not. You could also wait a few hours and do it again so we can actually get drops :-p


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