
could do Sat night (Recruitment)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 09:15 (3635 days ago) @ Xenos

if you end up shorthanded or something, shoot me a message. Even if i'm not on, i have the Smartglass app, so i will get your message.

GT: Schedonnardus

You're saying if we're shorthanded Saturday right? We may have to postpone to Saturday if we don't get 3 more, so I'll let you know

I can't play Friday night, I have a date night with the wife. I was just throwing out that if you got shorthanded on saturday, I could help you finish. I've done it twice. If you don't start until saturday evening (after 8CST/7MST) i could probably join you.

I have a friend visiting this weekend and bringing his box as well (lvl 28 hunter). He is going to a wedding, but if he gets away early enough, I might be able to bring in 2 people. No guarantees on him though, the wedding is in 2 days and he doesn't even know if its an afternoon or evening wedding :) If its an afternoon wedding, he could potentially help as well (he's done it once before).

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