Tip for Destiny's Launch

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, March 05, 2013, 13:32 (4092 days ago) @ kapowaz

I bet you're wrong about that. :)

So, you think they knew they were about to screw up?

No, but I'm pretty sure they thought SOMETHING would go wrong.

I remember standing in the network operations area of Bungie's studios as Halo 3 went live in 2007. It was a pretty smooth launch, all in all... but you wouldn't have been able to guess that by looking at the guys watching the monitors that evening. They were POSITIVE things were going to break, and break spectacularly - they just didn't know how.

(They were wrong. Which was cool. But I'm pretty sure they were representative - I doubt there's ANYONE involved with a huge (multi-hundred-thousand-plus) launch of ANYTHING that isn't sure, at some level, that it's all about to come crashing down on their heads.)

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