
Destiny - Late night Raid party? [PS4] (Recruitment)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, October 10, 2014, 12:52 (3551 days ago)

Hello everyone!

I want to join or form a group to run the Vault of Glass on PS4. I'm a level 28 Warlock, decently geared up, ready to rock.

When: I'm available most days from roughly 12:30am - 2:00am EST. I'm able to do it over multiple days, although I'm not opposed to powering through it in 1 shot as long as it doesn't take too long.

The fine print:

There's only 1 catch... I can't use my mic. I play while the rest of the family is asleep, so I can't talk while I play. I'll be wearing headphones, so I can hear what everyone else is saying, but no talking from me.

I mention this because communication during the raid is so important. I'm doing my homework, so I'll have a ballpark idea of what's involved in each section. Ideally, I'd like to run the raid with people who have some experience with it.

So if anyone is interested in running the raid with me, let me know! I'm aiming to do this sooner than later.

Feel free to send me a message/friend request.

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