Persistent Character and more

by ZaneZavin @, Monday, March 04, 2013, 12:38 (4093 days ago)

"persistent online world players grow and customize their characters" - Jason Jones

I've listened to and read everything possible so far related to Destiny. Perhaps I am ready too much into it, but I think releases and character persistence are going to be different for these next ten years. In Halo:Reach Bungie allowed us to make our own custom spartan for the first time, but his path had a clear end point. I believe that Bungie will allow players to create new characters for Destiny that can persist across releases. This would be a very significant move forward for the FPS genre(or whatever genre Destiny is).

Imagine that you create your character when Destiny releases and you go on ton of great adventures. You explore and grow, gaining new armor, weapons, and abilities. Then the universe expands with Destiny 2 Electric Boogaloo is released. Your character is still there and has everything he/she had before, but there's a ton of new stuff, more great experiences, more loot, more customization, more lore. What's so amazing about this is that it doesn't invalidate what players did in the past.

Now I'm starting to stretch it a bit more, but what if this carried over to the competitive/pvp shooter aspect of the game. Could you imagine if the maps were persistent between releases? How incredible would it be if all the maps from a previous game were still available to play? I'm sure they would have playlists to feature the new maps and gameplay options. However, if it was all together and available it would lead to one of the most robust and mindblowing games/universes. Destiny could be absolutely awesome in year one, and beyond belief by year ten.

I'm probably too optimistic and reading into things in the manner that I would hope for them to be. I just like to think of how awesome it could be.

- ZaneZavin

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