Games as a Service (Off-Topic)

by rliebherr @, St. Louis, Missouri, Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 12:01 (3538 days ago) @ Fuertisimo

The profit motive exists in every industry, and while corporations exist to increase value for their shareholders, corporations won't exist long unless they're consistently producing a product at a sustainable rate that consumers will pay for. You post seems to imply that corporations try to snake money form people in a some sort of scheme, when that is not the case. Consumers drive the profits, and if they aren't buying, the shareholders aren't profiting.

The exception to this lies in TARP, but that is outside the scope of this thread. Though, I'd b ehappy to discuss it elsewhere.

Activision can hype a game all they want, but if Destiny doesn't deliver on that hype, the franchise will eventually fail. When Activision tries to hype the next title, it will eventually be seen as crying wolf and consumers will take their money elsewhere. Why do you think research analysts downgraded their outlook for Activision's stock after Destiny's launch?

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