
Want to work for Bungie *OT*
From the interview with Pete Parsons:
New things that need to come in: the free-lunch program. There’s even an internal website. For the first six months you work at Bungie, if you pay for your own lunch, you’re a chump. You can walk up to anybody and invite them out to lunch, or they can walk up to you. You go out, have a nice meal, talk about whatever you want, and expense it. It’s a huge expense, but it has a huge impact on the team as you get larger. People feel like they know each other. When they’re up against a milestone, instead of reaching out to a stranger, they’re reaching out to a friend. That’s a powerful thing.
It's stuff like this that makes me wish I could work for Bungie. Not just the idea of free lunch, but the amount of time, energy, and money that they put into making sure their company is a community and not just a group of people working together. This is why I will probably always be a fan of Bungie, whether they continue to succeed or fail spectacularly.