
Cody, read it one more time. (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, August 05, 2014, 15:59 (3600 days ago) @ MartyTheElder
edited by Cody Miller, Tuesday, August 05, 2014, 16:08

Cody, you actually know a lot, but surprisingly not everything. Come to my talk, I just want to get a discussion started for the benefit of all the people who contribute to a project.
My point is that not all work-for-hire deals are identical. In some industries, there are some better protections for the artist than in other industries.

This is definitely a topic that's going to be important in the coming years, not just for game composers but others in the game industry as well. I think they all DO need better protections.

Are you referring to your Pax Prime composer panel? I would, but it's sold out. Get me in, and I'll totally go, but I guess I'll just have to watch the video.

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