
I can't believe this is real. MIND BLOWN. (DBO)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Tuesday, August 05, 2014, 11:15 (3706 days ago) @ Doooskey

Hey there Korny. I've been around here for a little while now, more so since the Beta - easier to post, add to the discussion and analyze after getting some play time.

I love DBO - although some of the analysis GOES DEEP. OMG. This forum is a way happier place than Bungie.net, and way more helpful in constructive criticism than the Destiny Reddit.

I'm also looking forward to playing some Destiny with some fellow DBOer's, what system will you be on?

Oh, trust me, things will get crazy deep.
I too love how we can provide constructive criticism here, since it's a more intimate experience that the thousands of posters on Bnet.

I'll be getting Destiny on PS4, although I'll likely get a 360 copy as well, since a number of DBO folks will not have made the upgrade.
Looking forward to roaming with the folks around here.

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