Xbox reveal in April; bets on Destiny presence?

by yakaman, Sunday, February 24, 2013, 11:24 (4112 days ago) @ Beckx

I wonder if Bungie shows up with Destiny again? Absence would fuel the "bad blood" story, I guess. But then, as EA's absence at the Sony conf shows, the absence of any major publisher when others are on stage will fuel all kinds of rumors.

The simplest answer seems obvious: of course they'll be there. Why wouldn't they be? It's all good in their world now, isn't it? Freedom to do what they want, and the resources (cash, talent) to make it happen. And, multiple platforms on which to make it happen. The world is their damn oyster, and all that.

They're trying to unite the online gaming community, not drive a wedge down the middle of it by fanning the flames of inane console wars.

Related to your first paragraph, I'm wondering if this might be the generation in which I get a PS in addition to my XBox. On one hand, so much damn content! On the other, I don't have time enough as it is.

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