RIP Brian Morden 2/15/2003

by Jay, the younger, Saturday, February 23, 2013, 14:10 (4103 days ago) @ Mr Daax

I will never forget the day that Brian was in our studio in 2001 as part of the Make A Wish Foundation. It was his wish to come to Bungie and we made it happen. Amongst other things we put him the VO booth and he had fun behind the microphone recording lots of different stuff. If you didn't know it is his voice in Halo 1 as the pod drops to Halo that says "The Autumn she's been hit!".

I have been part of hosting countless Make A Wish Kids over the last 13 years (some have survived and some have not) but Brian as the first one I encountered will always remain in my memories.

Just so you all know Brian's voice has been in every Halo game and it will be in Destiny too...I promise.

Welcome to our new universe...I think your going to love it...

Cheers, JAY aka the man behind the man

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