Congratulations, beta tester! (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 23:36 (3784 days ago) @ ZackDark

- Did anyone here NOT get lost in the Hellmouth? Took me quite a while to find my way back out, especially when my waypoints kept bringing me to locked doors.

I know, right. First time, I was doing the mission alone and thought "what the hell, should be faster to go to orbit and back". Second time, I was with Hyokin and thought I had found a nook to explore. They eventually found the exit and their nametags kept throwing my sense of direction off. Silly Zack.

It'd really help if they added compass points to the scanner. I've gotten lost in a couple of places on earth where a compass would have helped a lot, but it sounds as though Hellmouth is a *lot* bigger and more labyrinthine.

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