Hey Bungie, thanks a ton for everything with this Beta! (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 21:43 (3784 days ago)

I know it's not over yet, but this day has been a real treat. The Moon was awesome, and I can't wait for what's to come. I was definitely getting tired of Old Russia, and I really enjoyed the upgraded challenge that the Moon presented. Additionally, I played through the Devil's Lair again, and the enemies were way harder and I felt far more challenged than before. I'm not sure if something was tweaked, but I enjoyed it.

I've also had a blast in the Iron Banner this evening. I'm looking forward to closing this thing out for the remainder of the evening and for tomorrow. I'll post my actual thoughts and feedback in the coming days. Thanks again, Bungie!

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