
Losing the information war (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 06:24 (3816 days ago) @ petetheduck

I feel like the biggest issue I have with Crucible at the moment is I feel like I'm doing something wrong because I'm lacking information.

When I find out things like guns with higher impact rating but a lower attack numerical value can cause more damage than guns with lower impact rating but a higher attack numerical value, I get confused.

In Crucible, when I'm shooting that dude and he's shooting me and I die first, I'm left wondering--did he just out play me, or does he have a gun with a slightly better rate of fire or impact rating or something.

I couldn't find it elsewhere in the thread, but the above only applies to PVE (campaign, story, explore, etc) and not to Crucible matches.

In ordinary Crucible matches, NONE of that matters. Damage is based on weapon type only, just like in Halo. Your gear does not matter.

In Iron Banner matches, some item stats matter, but others don't-- but as far as I understand, the ones that don't are the ones that affect damage-- so again, the above is not relevant. I believe the ones that are relevant are things like reload time, magazine size, etc.

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