
On Levels (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Friday, July 25, 2014, 18:51 (3817 days ago) @ someotherguy
edited by SonofMacPhisto, Friday, July 25, 2014, 18:54

How complicated can you make the guns and armor, that they require much mastery other than the FPS staples of aim and reflexes.

All weapons in an FPS function in a mechanically near-identical way - aim and shoot (from an input standpoint, obviously weapons function differently within the game, but you'd be hard-pressed to convince me that the differences between a sniper and a shotgun are complex to master)

Maybe get more nuanced in what the guns do? In Titanfall, weapons are balanced based on what you're shooting. Take two examples from basically opposite ends of the spectrum: the Smart Pistol locks onto the AI grunts faster (utterly decimating them) than human controlled pilots, and does average damage when riding a Titan. The LMG is pretty good against AI grunts and pilots, but an absolute monster when riding Titans.

Now, you are still aiming and shooting, but the choice of weapon means an entirely different skillset to master (Mirror's Edge parkour vs. sneaky/tactical jumping on giant robots) and a dramtically different role on the battlefield.

This weapon decision also decides everything else about the loadout, perks, and burn cards you bring with you. It's core to the art of the game, not just an extra thing tacked on with no thought.

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