My Single Complaint... (Destiny)

by Phoenix_9286 @, Friday, July 25, 2014, 11:57 (3817 days ago) @ Hyokin

Emmy and I keep having the issue of random people showing up and bugging us. Seeing another Guardian fighting in the distance, running over and covering them, reviving them if needed, etc. That's fun. Trying to explore and complete a mission while some dick dances around and steals your kills, then teabags the bodies and spams you with Friend Requests is not.

There seriously needs to be a "remove from my world" option or "Friends-Only World."

Had a guy doing this to Lady Phoenix a few nights ago. Not terribly irritating, but following us around like a lost puppy. He seemed to vanish into thin air when we crossed a load zone into the Mothyard.

Give that a shot next time. Make a beeline for the nearest transition, see if he'll deload. The game clearly keeps you together if you're in a fireteam and populates the rest of the world with randoms. I have a theory that when you cross a load zone, it has to load a new set of randoms. So while it keeps your fireteam together, the randoms change. Should allow you to cross a load zone, dick around there for a few minutes, and then cross back. The offender should be gone.

I have not done any serious research to confirm any of this. If it works though, it's a fantastic foolproof way to loose a harasser. Perhaps not always convenient, but it's a huge world, you can always find something else to do.

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