So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts* (Destiny)

by Hoovaloov, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:30 (3817 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Ironically, the first half of PoA feels far more alive and vibrant than all of Destiny. It had crew members running around, and characters to get to know. Most of it was scripted, but it felt like the world was more populated. Destiny feels very empty, even in the tower.

Considering there's only one safe place left on Earth, wouldn't it make sense that it's kind of empty everywhere else? Why would non-Guardians be out in the wilderness when the Traveler's protection is only limited to the City?

And the Tower is the home of the Guardians, so again it would make sense that there's not tons of non-Guardians to interact with.

Now if we ever get to go into the City below the Traveler, and it feels just as empty, that would be a problem.

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