All's well that ends well (Destiny)

by Monochron, Friday, July 25, 2014, 06:46 (3817 days ago) @ Achronos code redemption hasn't ever been "broken", not sure what they're talking about. The site was under heavy load for a while, but that was back when the Playstation beta period started.

It definitely sounded like something they were scripted to say. I called twice and both reps very quickly told me that your site was experiencing issues. So . . . I imagine it is something GS decided to say and not just a one off from a rep.

As getting the game - it should be working (it took a little bit to spread to all regions, but by now it should be available).

Download worked just fine today, no errors and I should be playing by the time I get home today. Thanks for being awesome by they way. It's great to get a response from a Bungie employee to my whiny forum thread :D

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