
So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts* (Destiny)

by davidfuchs ⌂, USA, Friday, July 25, 2014, 06:18 (3819 days ago)

So I'm three days in for playing the beta. I've purposefully kept myself dark on details and info, and haven't spent much time here on DBO because I wanted to go into the game without any preconceptions. I didn't know what I was in for with Halo CE and I loved it, so I figured the start of a new franchise is the perfect time to ignore everything and just go into it with an open mind.

But I'm just not clicking with Destiny. I guess Bungie has made a good game—it's just nowhere near what I want out of their games.

First, the pros: I love the sort of throwback 1970s tech style they've fused with a sprinkling of fantasy. The color palette isn't crazy vibrant but it feels very rich. I really like the character design and industrial design. I like my floaty double jump and the speeder bike.

The Fallen weapon with the homing ammunition feels a bit like a recolored Needler, but I'm impressed that none of the weapons feel that much like retreads of the Halo series—they definitely exist in a different universe. Likewise while I'm not sure Marty's music is up to the level of the Halo series (or it's just not my style), I do appreciate its difference in style. I wouldn't have thought he could so effectively switch gears. He'll definitely be missed.

But it's all not coming together for me. I'm just not feeling that invested in what's going on. The story feels broad, and I don't feel like I'm learning much. Maybe the Grimoire cards would help tell me what's going on, but why should I have to log on to Bungie.net to get invested in the story? The Vex get dropped in and I don't understand why Ghost seems to act like I should know these guys.

Part of the problem is there are no compelling supporting characters. I don't really know how I feel about Dinklage's voice acting, but if ever there was a reason to add some spunk to your AI companion, it would probably be because there's no one else talking to me. The Tower just feels like an inflated version of Fable 3's "there are no menus, they all exist in-game!" concept, complete with all these merchants I'm going to who are essentially mute. I'm told to talk to someone about my Crucible invitation… and I get a subscreen instead of lines of dialogue. Every time, it's a subscreen. Other random people in the world will throw out lines, why not people I'm going to be spending a lot of time running to? Having to do a button combo to leave the Tower and go back to my ship is simply wasted time and it started grating on me. Just let me fast travel when I want to the area I want directly.

The Fallen and Hive seem remarkably similar, honestly. I dunno if it's the color palettes, design, a cross between them… but I have a hard time telling them apart, especially since there are locations where they're supposed to be fighting each other and they don't seem that interested in doing so. So for me combat devolves into killing stuff that kind of looks the same, until you reach bosses. It took me and some randoms about 30 minutes to plow through the two bosses in the Lair mission, and it wasn't fun, full stop. Weak points don't feel telegraphed by the design; I just have to aim down my sights and see what floaty numbers pop up. And then I have to empty all my ammo into it. Again, and again. It's more tedious than the Tartarus boss fight and less enjoyable. I just want to dump ammo into this enemy, but the bloom on the weapons I choose was horrible. I started feeling that creep of annoyance I felt in Reach where the weapons were actively working against me when I went up against groups of foes.

PvP doesn't feel much better. I liked Reach, I liked Halo 4, but the level of randomness and "whatever weapon you have wins this battle" is too much for me in Destiny. On my second game of Control I quickly found that whatever super power one of the classes has that serves like a rocket launcher was the perfect weapon for just camping a control point since I couldn't seem to evade the splash damage. The bloom is more annoying here than in the campaign, and what's the point of a floaty jump if my aim goes to pieces while I'm up there?

I'll keep giving the beta a chance while it's running, but I'm not optimistic. To me it feels like I'm playing a cleaned-up version of Borderlands—juggling a myriad of weapons I can't remember, fighting the sense I didn't bring the right gear to a fight, and full of vast playspaces that, unlike Halo, I don't feel really enticed to explore (loot crates are not going to do the trick.) But this game is like Borderlands where they've simultaneously sucked the charm and fun out of the world. The humor in BL might not be your style but it at least leaves a distinctive mark with me. Destiny… just leaves me with a shrug.

I'm glad people here are having fun, and I'm sad I probably won't be joining you guys in the fall. I'll probably stop on by every once in a while to see what cool stuff gets created and discussed.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Friday, July 25, 2014, 08:05 (3819 days ago) @ davidfuchs

I share a lot of your observations so far, so I'll just chime in below

So I'm three days in for playing the beta. I've purposefully kept myself dark on details and info, and haven't spent much time here on DBO because I wanted to go into the game without any preconceptions. I didn't know what I was in for with Halo CE and I loved it, so I figured the start of a new franchise is the perfect time to ignore everything and just go into it with an open mind.

I went in with about same, though I knew about some of the enemies and player classes. Everything else, if it wasn't in an official trailer I stayed away from it.

But I'm just not clicking with Destiny. I guess Bungie has made a good game—it's just nowhere near what I want out of their games.

It is definitely an MMO, and very, very grindy.It's not bad, but it's not great. Many elements are simply not my style, but there is fun to be had.

First, the pros: I love the sort of throwback 1970s tech style they've fused with a sprinkling of fantasy. The color palette isn't crazy vibrant but it feels very rich. I really like the character design and industrial design. I like my floaty double jump and the speeder bike.

I do like the art style. The first thing CommandrCleavage (formerly known as Rev1) said is how much it looked like Halo- which is the exact opposite of my opinion. I don't think it looks anythinglike Halo. To me it looks a lot like Mass Effect.

I think the 1970s look might just be because that's as advanced as the Russians got before the collapse :P

The bike is Star Wars. It looks like Star Wars. It sounds Like Star Wars. I do not like Star Wars, but I do have fun careening around the map like an idiot.

The Fallen weapon with the homing ammunition feels a bit like a recolored Needler, but I'm impressed that none of the weapons feel that much like retreads of the Halo series—they definitely exist in a different universe. Likewise while I'm not sure Marty's music is up to the level of the Halo series (or it's just not my style), I do appreciate its difference in style. I wouldn't have thought he could so effectively switch gears. He'll definitely be missed.

The music is very, very good. When I first started hearing things, my immediate thought was this is the third disc of the Halo Reach soundtrack. This is good and bad.

It's good because it Reach was good.

It's bad because it sounds too much like Reach to me.

6 of 1 and all that- It's like being a fan of a band when the release a new album and it sounds just like their last album and half the people like it BECAUSE of that and half don't for the same reason.

I'll say I'm worried about how they plan to keep that music style going for 10 years without Marty. I hope they stocked up, because if they just do re-mixes they're in for a bad time.

The weapons DO feel unique, for what we have access to so far, but I have a hard time telling them apart. A rifle is a rifle etc. Also, when they say there are over 100 guns, having Rifle ABC that is level 20 and then having that SAME rifle called ABC II or ABC III is NOT 3 different guns- it's the same damn gun, just with its stats increased. You're not fooling me, Bungie.

I hope some of the other species weapons are available for use, because some of them look really neat. I have not used a weapon that felt truly alien to me since the Combat Evolved Needler. An article from Kotaku does a great job explaining why, and I highly recommend reading it.

But it's all not coming together for me. I'm just not feeling that invested in what's going on. The story feels broad, and I don't feel like I'm learning much. Maybe the Grimoire cards would help tell me what's going on, but why should I have to log on to Bungie.net to get invested in the story? The Vex get dropped in and I don't understand why Ghost seems to act like I should know these guys.

I'm having the exact same issue. I like the story thus far, what little of it there is. I do realize that this is a beta, and there are things they don't want to spoil yet. However, I sincerely hope that the Grimoire stuff is not just going to be accessible on Bnet or the mobile app.

That is unacceptable.

If the cards are to fill in small story gaps and let the player learn about the world they are in, there must be a way to access them in game.

Part of the problem is there are no compelling supporting characters. I don't really know how I feel about Dinklage's voice acting, but if ever there was a reason to add some spunk to your AI companion, it would probably be because there's no one else talking to me. The Tower just feels like an inflated version of Fable 3's "there are no menus, they all exist in-game!" concept, complete with all these merchants I'm going to who are essentially mute. I'm told to talk to someone about my Crucible invitation… and I get a subscreen instead of lines of dialogue. Every time, it's a subscreen. Other random people in the world will throw out lines, why not people I'm going to be spending a lot of time running to? Having to do a button combo to leave the Tower and go back to my ship is simply wasted time and it started grating on me. Just let me fast travel when I want to the area I want directly.

This is a good observation and one I hadn't been able to put my finger on. I'm fine with my companion ghost. If he's a robot, the dry wit is nice.

There are no other supporting characters yet.

Maybe we'll get to them as the story progresses, but if Bungie is expecting my friends list and other gamers to be the supporting characters, that's great. For game play. It is not great, for exposition.

I also don't like the concept of getting "reputation" or whatever from the other NPCs. I ain't got time for that. I also don't like that some of that has to be tracked down in multi-player. 343 has tried to tie Halo's MP to the story. They did it horribly.I feel the same for Destiny. Maybe there are some games that make it work. Good for them. But for me, some things just need to be game play for game plays sake- no explanation or tie-ins needed.

For a game that touts itself to be so open, and inclusive and bustling with activity, I've never felt so alone.

The atmosphere is also ruined by fuck-twats that bounce around the tower and run circle around you or sprint to every place. So immersion breaking! I deliberately slow walk in the tower and by doing that I find that I get to appreciate the details more, I notice more, and it feels great.I wish it could last longer with out dance parties around every corner.

Why the hell is that even in the game!?

The Fallen and Hive seem remarkably similar, honestly. I dunno if it's the color palettes, design, a cross between them… but I have a hard time telling them apart, especially since there are locations where they're supposed to be fighting each other and they don't seem that interested in doing so. So for me combat devolves into killing stuff that kind of looks the same, until you reach bosses. It took me and some randoms about 30 minutes to plow through the two bosses in the Lair mission, and it wasn't fun, full stop. Weak points don't feel telegraphed by the design; I just have to aim down my sights and see what floaty numbers pop up. And then I have to empty all my ammo into it. Again, and again. It's more tedious than the Tartarus boss fight and less enjoyable. I just want to dump ammo into this enemy, but the bloom on the weapons I choose was horrible. I started feeling that creep of annoyance I felt in Reach where the weapons were actively working against me when I went up against groups of foes.

I disagree a lot here. I really want to cosplay a Fallen Captain. The fallen to me are a mix between the Elites and Jackals. I will say that the encounters get repetitive pretty quick though. Early on I found the only way to get a more aggressive and responsive AI was to bump the difficulty as high as I could. This worked great- however it also had the unfortunate side affect of making them bullet sponges until I found better weapons.

This does make boss fights un-interesting. The Walker is terrible. Sepiks was more fun, simply because as I ran around the map the bastard kept spawning above my head and trying to kill me with his purple vacuum mode. THAT, was fun and tense.

I really, really love the hive. They seem crustacean like due to some of their armor, and are genuinely a scary enemy. I like the little barnacles you see in their environments, but when you get close to them they look pretty shitty. Same with the random black stink lines that emanate from them. That effect reminds me of a really bad PC game. Some people love that style of graphics, I think it's hokey.

Playing as a Titan, the Hive were challenging. I like them. Then again, I like scary things and generic space zombies.

PvP doesn't feel much better. I liked Reach, I liked Halo 4, but the level of randomness and "whatever weapon you have wins this battle" is too much for me in Destiny. On my second game of Control I quickly found that whatever super power one of the classes has that serves like a rocket launcher was the perfect weapon for just camping a control point since I couldn't seem to evade the splash damage. The bloom is more annoying here than in the campaign, and what's the point of a floaty jump if my aim goes to pieces while I'm up there?

I absolutely hate the multi-player. It does not feel balanced, kills are not satisfying, I have issues with hit-detection, and for the one mode that has been available I don't see why it's fun.

I didn't say anything about PvP to CommandrCleavage so that she could discover it on her own. I didn't want my sour opinion to taint hers. She played a few games and said the exact same things I did.

I love the campaign, she loves explore, but you won't be finding us in the Crucible for any DBO nights. Sorry. It sucks.

I like Halo's MP, I like Battlefields MP, and a host of other games. Really looking forward to Evolve. Destiny's MP was a huge let down. Maybe that will change over time.

I'll keep giving the beta a chance while it's running, but I'm not optimistic. To me it feels like I'm playing a cleaned-up version of Borderlands—juggling a myriad of weapons I can't remember, fighting the sense I didn't bring the right gear to a fight, and full of vast playspaces that, unlike Halo, I don't feel really enticed to explore (loot crates are not going to do the trick.) But this game is like Borderlands where they've simultaneously sucked the charm and fun out of the world. The humor in BL might not be your style but it at least leaves a distinctive mark with me. Destiny… just leaves me with a shrug.

Explore is fun, as long as you keep finding new things to, well, explore. I'll chock this up to the small sampling they give us in the beta. There will be new places.

You hit the nail on the head with the loot though. So many of the caves are literal copy\pastes of each other, particularly in the Moth Yard. Many of the are exactly the same, just flipped or rotated 90- 180 degrees. Muscle memory has already taken over when I run into one and I know where the chest will be in there, if there is one. And then you get space bux. Whoopti do.

I didn't spend anything at all until the other night and the only thing I could really buy was a purple transformer space ship. That I can look at from the pause screen. Yey?

I'm glad people here are having fun, and I'm sad I probably won't be joining you guys in the fall. I'll probably stop on by every once in a while to see what cool stuff gets created and discussed.

I'm enjoying the story and campaign modes thus far. The public events are cool, and I like searching for them. Conversely, the fetch quests or stand here quests got old real fast in explore mode. Again, I hope this is just beta being beta but I swear to god if I go to Mars and all the quests just change to "kill X amount of Cabal for trinket X because reasons" I'm gonna go nuts.

There are better ways to do objectives Bungie. I need you to channel your inner Invasion designer. (I hope you didn't fire them too :P)Apply Invasion style objectives and interactive objects to the quests and things will improve vastlyI feel.

I'm excited to go on missions and quests with community members, and I'm having fun playing with my S\O. I'm going to enjoy playing this, for sure. But I can tell already that it's not going to have a hold over me like Halo does. For that I'm happy. I don't want one game to dominate my playing anymore. So, I'll happily play DBO destiny strike nights or whatever, but I'll still be getting my MP fix from Halo and other games.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 25, 2014, 08:12 (3819 days ago) @ Revenant1988

This is a good observation and one I hadn't been able to put my finger on. I'm fine with my companion ghost. If he's a robot, the dry wit is nice.

There are no other supporting characters yet.

I felt the same way in the Beta, but I definitely think though that supporting characters are heavily hinted it, both in the trailers and in the beta. When you find your ship in the first mission there is a Hunter watching you take off, I suspect this is the same character you see in the Reef(?) in one of the trailers that tells you to trust no one. Then of course there is the Crow which has shown up in two different trailers in vastly different places. I think by the end of the game we're going to have a broad array of supporting characters, I just think the beta does a bad job getting that point across (which makes a certain amount of sense with it being the first 5 missions).


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by MrPadraig08 ⌂ @, Steel City, Friday, July 25, 2014, 08:29 (3819 days ago) @ Revenant1988

The atmosphere is also ruined by fuck-twats that bounce around the tower and run circle around you or sprint to every place. So immersion breaking! I deliberately slow walk in the tower and by doing that I find that I get to appreciate the details more, I notice more, and it feels great.I wish it could last longer with out dance parties around every corner.

Why the hell is that even in the game!?

Add another one to the DBO Bomont No Dancing Brigade. The tower needs more attractions and something like a trading post or crafter's market would do the trick. For this limited scope and area to jam, what else is there to do but slam?


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by davidfuchs ⌂, USA, Friday, July 25, 2014, 08:34 (3819 days ago) @ Xenos

This is a good observation and one I hadn't been able to put my finger on. I'm fine with my companion ghost. If he's a robot, the dry wit is nice.

There are no other supporting characters yet.

I felt the same way in the Beta, but I definitely think though that supporting characters are heavily hinted it, both in the trailers and in the beta. When you find your ship in the first mission there is a Hunter watching you take off, I suspect this is the same character you see in the Reef(?) in one of the trailers that tells you to trust no one. Then of course there is the Crow which has shown up in two different trailers in vastly different places. I think by the end of the game we're going to have a broad array of supporting characters, I just think the beta does a bad job getting that point across (which makes a certain amount of sense with it being the first 5 missions).

Thats fair. I guess my complaint then becomes the beta is doing a bad job about hinting to me what else it has up its sleeve--I obviously know I'll be traveling to other planets et al, but I really didn't get any indication my encounters with other characters would be any more meaningful than the "I would like to show you a menu" of the Tower. I just assumed the person you see as you lift off was just a cinematic version of the other internet people who run around in your world.

So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by kapowaz, Friday, July 25, 2014, 08:50 (3819 days ago) @ davidfuchs

There's a lot here I agree with, and I think it's telling how many people are complaining about the story too. I'd not paused to think much about the characters yet, but you're right that they seem vague and uninvolved. Again, I find myself wondering if that's just because of the narrow scope of the beta, and if we'll be interacting with them a lot more later on in the game. You don't hire an actor of Bill Nighy's calibre and only give him a minor role.

I find I disagree about combat, at least in PvE settings. The Hive and Fallen don't look massively different (bipedal humanoids) but they're very distinct in behaviour and the settings they appear in. The green glowing eyes of the knights and acolytes are very distinctive at distance, whereas the Fallen tend to have blue lights on their helmets. I'd suggest you give the Strike another go, if you can; I found it one of the most exhilarating experiences in the game, a real thrill. The idea of teaming up with friends to do this, voice chat enabled, is really compelling. Maybe you've been unlucky with your weapon drops, but if you take the time to level one or two different uncommon weapons of the same type you'll find there's quite a lot of variation even between the same class of gun. It's a great touch that it actually gives you an opportunity to make interesting choices about weapons based on your own play style and preferences, rather than there being a 'right' choice based on numbers alone.

PvP is another matter. The combat in the original Halo was a breath of fresh air compared to the lightning reflexes needed in the Quakes, Unreal Tournaments and Counter-Strikes of the day; by slowing the pace down somewhat it made it a little more accessible and I found I could be pretty competitive. Since then the series has gotten progressively faster-paced and close-ranged (the days of finding a nice sniper spot in Blood Gulch are but a fond memory). The modern FPS multiplayer game seems to be about realism and guns that kill in two or three rounds.

Destiny embraces this philosophy wholeheartedly and (as Schooly D pointed out) this results in a very fast-paced game where getting the jump on somebody is almost the most crucial factor in a gunfight, and one that feels like being kicked repeatedly in the teeth for players like myself who yearn for a bit less speed and a bit more strategy. In years gone by I may not have been the most deadly marksman but I was pretty good at capturing flags and squatting inside the hill to win games for my team. With Destiny it feels like you need to be good at killing first and foremost, and if you're good at the rest so much the better. This probably means I'll only play it as much as I can stomach having my ass handed to me, but maybe with a bigger player base the normal distribution of player skill will make it more approachable. We'll have to wait for September to find that out!


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 25, 2014, 08:57 (3819 days ago) @ Revenant1988

The atmosphere is also ruined by fuck-twats that bounce around the tower and run circle around you or sprint to every place. So immersion breaking!

Looks like there's no way around it then. I will sprint from place to place because I want the busy work out of the way as quickly as possible. I'm sorry but I'm not wasting my time by slow walking.

I think what needs to be done is allow all shopping and bounty selection to be done from a menu in orbit, but still have the tower available to travel to if you really want.

It's one of those things where the idea is nice, but in practice just gets in the way.

So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by kapowaz, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:01 (3819 days ago) @ Revenant1988

The music is very, very good. When I first started hearing things, my immediate thought was this is the third disc of the Halo Reach soundtrack.

Wait, there's a version with a third disc? Where do you get that from? Mine has only 20 tracks listed equivalent to the two disc version on Amazon (I think I bought it from sumthingelse.com).


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by bluerunner @, Music City, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:03 (3819 days ago) @ davidfuchs

I really wouldn't base my story expectations on the beta. Imagine setting your expectations of the entire Halo franchise based on just the first half of the Pillar of Autumn.

I absolutely love the PvE. Even in this small area of the beta I'm having hours and hours worth of enjoyment. I've been treating explore just like a big firefight game. Plus I enjoy just experimenting with the weapons and trying to do stunts on my sparrow.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I've enjoyed the PvP. There's some balancing that needs to be done, but it's a beta test. If you went in expecting it to be polished you were setting yourself up to be disappointed. I actually like the feel of almost all the weapons. They might feel the same at first, but when you start paying attention to the little nuances between them they begin to feel way different from each other. There's a bigger learning curve to the PvP than I think a lot of people expected. It took me a while for it to start making sense, but when it did it became a lot of fun. I just had to realize that I was subconsciously trying to play it like Halo I have to wonder if that's part of why some folks aren't getting it too.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by TTL Demag0gue ⌂ @, Within the shadow of the Traveler, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:06 (3819 days ago) @ bluerunner

I just had to realize that I was subconsciously trying to play it like Halo I have to wonder if that's part of why some folks aren't getting it too.

I agree with this. I haven't played much Crucible -- competitive multiplayer isn't my cuppa tea as much these days -- but I know the few games I've played I've approached like Halo, only to get my head handed to me over and over. The last couple of games I played I tried correcting for this and found myself doing a tiny bit better. I'll likely invest more time in Crucible after launch, but for now, Explore has been my drug.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:07 (3819 days ago) @ bluerunner

I really wouldn't base my story expectations on the beta. Imagine setting your expectations of the entire Halo franchise based on just the first half of the Pillar of Autumn.

Ironically, the first half of PoA feels far more alive and vibrant than all of Destiny. It had crew members running around, and characters to get to know. Most of it was scripted, but it felt like the world was more populated. Destiny feels very empty, even in the tower.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:07 (3819 days ago) @ TTL Demag0gue

I just had to realize that I was subconsciously trying to play it like Halo I have to wonder if that's part of why some folks aren't getting it too.

I agree with this. I haven't played much Crucible -- competitive multiplayer isn't my cuppa tea as much these days -- but I know the few games I've played I've approached like Halo, only to get my head handed to me over and over. The last couple of games I played I tried correcting for this and found myself doing a tiny bit better. I'll likely invest more time in Crucible after launch, but for now, Explore has been my drug.

This is pretty much it. I was destroyed in the Alpha, but quickly during the beta it 'clicked'.

So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by kapowaz, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:13 (3819 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The atmosphere is also ruined by fuck-twats that bounce around the tower and run circle around you or sprint to every place. So immersion breaking!

Looks like there's no way around it then. I will sprint from place to place because I want the busy work out of the way as quickly as possible. I'm sorry but I'm not wasting my time by slow walking.

I think what needs to be done is allow all shopping and bounty selection to be done from a menu in orbit, but still have the tower available to travel to if you really want.

It's one of those things where the idea is nice, but in practice just gets in the way.

In MMOs, cities are a place for everyone to convene, regardless of why. They're a place to socialise, to trade, to plan your next activity and a place to show off your hard-earned trinkets. Unfortunately Bungie has made a couple of mistakes here:

1. You can't be social in the tower; you may not even see your friends unless they're in the same fire team, but there's no way of chatting idly, so it's a lifeless place. The reason people dance is because it's one of the very few ways you can express yourself (unless waving counts).
2. You can't organise your next activity from The Tower, you have to go orbit to do this, and so I imagine a lot of people spend their downtime in a part of the game that has literally zero social interaction.
3. There is no trade (although that could be a good thing, it's hard to say what impact it might have if trade between players were possible).

The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that Bungie completely messed up by including Orbit as a staging area for gameplay. It should have all been from The Tower. I suspect the reason is they spent ages building art assets for the ships (including timed exclusives and presumably real-money purchased vanity ships later on) and weren't willing to cut it.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by bluerunner @, Music City, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:20 (3819 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I see. I guess the lack of NPCs running around hasn't bothered me yet. I've just chalked the lack up to it being a beta that is more focused on network testing than demoing all the features of the game.

I wonder if my difference in expectations for the beta have caused me to be more optimistic. I've heard and read from Bungie folks that this is a true beta test and not a demo. I've even been told that in private conversation during early access. I went in expecting to not see a lot of the little things the full game might offer. I expected it to be rough around the edges and unbalanced. I also knew that the build we are playing is quite a bit older than what they've got internally. I never expected this to be a good representation of the released game, but maybe just a glimpse of its potential. The potential I see is what has me excited.

So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Hoovaloov, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:30 (3819 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Ironically, the first half of PoA feels far more alive and vibrant than all of Destiny. It had crew members running around, and characters to get to know. Most of it was scripted, but it felt like the world was more populated. Destiny feels very empty, even in the tower.

Considering there's only one safe place left on Earth, wouldn't it make sense that it's kind of empty everywhere else? Why would non-Guardians be out in the wilderness when the Traveler's protection is only limited to the City?

And the Tower is the home of the Guardians, so again it would make sense that there's not tons of non-Guardians to interact with.

Now if we ever get to go into the City below the Traveler, and it feels just as empty, that would be a problem.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, July 25, 2014, 09:31 (3819 days ago) @ kapowaz

The music is very, very good. When I first started hearing things, my immediate thought was this is the third disc of the Halo Reach soundtrack.

Wait, there's a version with a third disc? Where do you get that from? Mine has only 20 tracks listed equivalent to the two disc version on Amazon (I think I bought it from sumthingelse.com).

If I'm not mistaken, he's saying it feels so much like Halo Reach's soundtrack that is could be the non-existent third disc to the Halo Reach soundtrack.



by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Friday, July 25, 2014, 10:48 (3819 days ago) @ Xenos

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So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by CommandrCleavage @, USA-Midwest, Friday, July 25, 2014, 11:12 (3819 days ago) @ Revenant1988

My opinion means very little because of my practical experience with games has been very limited as of right now. I am almost more focused on figuring out how to work my sights rather than the finesse of the character development.

BUT that being said I will throw my 2 cents in. So far I only have experiences playing as a hunter. I am sure I will have many more opinions once I try as a warlock as well, Titan doesn't interest me in the least, it's definitely not my gameplay style.

Environment- You will be hard pressed to find me not liking any of the environment offered here, I am a post apocalypse junkie so this is right up my alley. Halo was a little to sterile for me to feel comfortable in. I love the dirtiness of this and the decay. Wasteland environments are my favorite so it's hard for me not to constantly want to be outside in the Mothyard.

The Tower- I dislike the tower. It makes me feel weird. I never know what I am supposed to be doing there or if I am doing the right thing. I don't understand why players can't interact with each other, it doesn't make sense to have tons of players that you can see wandering about but not having anything else to do with them. I felt bad snapping at Rev the first night when he wandered in and asked what I was doing and my immediate reaction was "I don't freaking know what I am supposed to be doing!!!"

I am hoping that once the actual game releases we find out that the tower is used for so much more. A lot of the characters in there are interesting and I want to know more about them but right now it seems like all the tower is good to for me is buying extra special ammo, and turning in my engrams not a whole lot else. I agree with Paddy that an area for barter and trade would be nice as well as you could link up with other members in a group.

The Story and Characters- The only thing I can really say is that I hope I get to see much much much more during the real game, I think it was a mistake not giving beta players more to go on story wise. So far I have not really cared about the story, just interested in shooting things. And I can play any game and shoot things, I want the Destiny story and characters to really get to you and hook you. So far not looking good.

The Gameplay- Being so new to this I liked it, I did have some problems in the beginning trying to figure out what the hell I was supposed to be doing and where it was. Once I figured a bit of that out I

Arsenal- I like the guns but there seems to be an absolute excess of them. Like Rev said, same guns with different upgrades. I do love being able to throw knives though and I prefer the Hunter melee in this, being able to stabbity stab things is super cool rather than just punch them in the face. Gets me really pumped up for the upgrades once the bladedancer is available. I like the golden gun too.

Crucible- I dislike it, not a fan of getting so turned around I can't figure out where shots are coming from. My game play needs a lot of work, so much of my frustration may just be that I am still learning but I felt really outclassed and really overwhelmed in PVP. Much like Kapowaz I think I will only play so long as I can stand getting my ass handed to me each round.

Right now I am enjoying shooting and stabbing things and hopping about in the wastelands and getting in big firefights......but I want more than that. I hope Destiny provides it.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Jillybean, Friday, July 25, 2014, 14:24 (3819 days ago) @ kapowaz

I have fun by climbing lots of crates, sitting down, and waiting for someone to point at me.

Oh the hilarious times I have.

Ahh. Excuse my overeagerness!

by kapowaz, Friday, July 25, 2014, 14:26 (3819 days ago) @ Revenant1988

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by kapowaz, Friday, July 25, 2014, 14:29 (3819 days ago) @ Jillybean

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So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by Avateur @, Friday, July 25, 2014, 15:36 (3819 days ago) @ Hoovaloov

Considering there's only one safe place left on Earth, wouldn't it make sense that it's kind of empty everywhere else? Why would non-Guardians be out in the wilderness when the Traveler's protection is only limited to the City?

There aren't even many enemies around. They all spawn in the same place, if you walk ten feet away they'll respawn right back where you just killed them, and they just about never stray from those areas. And again, if they do stray and die, they'll just respawn right back there. ODST was obnoxiously empty, give or take the random enemies you'd come across. In a way this feels worse because, while there are enemies, they just stand around and do nothing until they see you and get killed.

And the Tower is the home of the Guardians, so again it would make sense that there's not tons of non-Guardians to interact with.

Dancing/pointing/waving only works for so long with random Guardians who you have no ability to chat with due to voice chat restrictions. In Mass Effect, my Normandy felt more alive, social, and organic with nothing but NPCs than the Tower does in every way, shape, and form.

Now if we ever get to go into the City below the Traveler, and it feels just as empty, that would be a problem.


So I guess I won't be joining DBO *Beta thoughts*

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, July 25, 2014, 16:33 (3819 days ago) @ Hoovaloov

Man, we better get to go down there. Feels like it would be kind of a waste if it doesn't get attacked at some point and require a defense to be launched.

Even if that would be totally predictable and cliché.

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