
Here's the weird thing... (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 04:42 (3786 days ago) @ ncsuDuncan

I was trying to fix the clan tag, as some people were saying it displays "DestinyBungieO" and not the "DBO" I had set it as.

When I first clicked the "Activate Xbox Clan" button, it popped up with a box to enter the clan tag (to which I entered "DBO"). I tried finding that text entry again, but one click on the same Xbox logo - which now happend to have "Disable Xbox Clan" below it - disbanded the clan without any sort of warning dialogue, kicking everyone out. :(

I won't touch that button again.

I still have no idea if the clan tag is displaying properly now...

On my 'player card' if you like, it shows 'DestinyBungieO.' But in the post-game carnage report, it does indeed display [DBO] beside my name.

At least this was the case yesterday.

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