
Yay! (Destiny)

by bluerunner @, Music City, Tuesday, July 22, 2014, 15:42 (3788 days ago) @ thesirchelios

Gonna break embargo early since they're coming back early. Been playing early access on the 360 since last Tuesday. Thanks to the super nice guy at Bungie who dropped a code for me out of nowhere. Hopefully now I won't have a ridiculous wait to get in a crucible match.

Here's a question I've been wanting to ask: Does anybody else have problems with the weapons not showing up in the menu sometimes? I'll want to swap weapons but nothing shows up. I have to exit the menu, wait, then go back and try again. I haven't seen any PS3 players complain, so I've been wondering if it was a 360 thing.

Speaking of PS3, the 360 graphics do look a lot better. Not as good as XB1 or PS4, but still pretty good.

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