
Destiny Beta: Wot I think (Destiny)

by Yapok @, Monday, July 21, 2014, 17:44 (3789 days ago) @ Kalamari

- Too much time spent in loading screens. Elaborate loading screens really aren't necessary, especially in Crucible, just a simple lobby screen showing your team and map is all that's necessary.

Agree about the loading screens (though they are really pretty loading screens).

- Voice chat sucks. Fireteam emphasis really encumbers the social aspect of the game. Give us full lobby chat with proximity voice (at least in Crucible)!

I really hope they have more social options! Fire team/Proximity chat toggle would be great.

- Crucible voice actor, why does he have to be English?

Honestly I really like this guy.

- Crucible maps are so-so. The Moon map is okay, I guess, but Mars and Brick-walls-everywhere maps are disorienting due to their uniformity, they lack distinctive landmarks and unique areas.

My favorite maps were the Mars and Earth maps. Made some great shotgun plays and had a lot of fun playing those maps.

- The game is clearly loot-focused rather than gameplay focused. This is my biggest gripe with the game. Everything is centered around grinding. Want a new gun? Grind for it. Want a new Ship? Grind for it. Want to have fun? Sorry, you're out of luck. :D It's as if there was a huge brainstorm session during development solely dedicated to grinding options, and all suggestions made it into the game. The loot hooks are very strong and are the source of the beta's addictive quality. The addictiveness really overshadows other game content in some respects.

Maybe its because I have a lot of mmo experience under my belt, but I like the loot focused aspect of the game. Combined with the good gameplay it gives me excuses to go out and have fun killing aliens. To each his own I guess.

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