
A bit harsh, but... (Destiny)

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Monday, July 21, 2014, 08:17 (3877 days ago) @ RC

Here is the thing, you are right about the situational part of the guns. AR's work really well mid-close range, and if you are mid-long, you can beat the AR with an equal Scout or Pulse.

The big thing is this - Most of the Control maps were pretty full of mid-close range areas, particularly with the location of the Control points. I was running AR, Fusion Rifle, and Heavy MG on every map, and playing to the mid-close range situation. It was very easy to get a lot of caps and kills because people flood the cap areas and I could just sit and wait for them to come to me.

I think, if these are the pattern for the rest of the maps, the AR's might be a little OP, or maybe point a control point out in the open?

I found the Pulse rifle really solid, but the recoil was always a pain - it seemed higher to me than the AR's (which doesn't really make sense, but it could be that I never found a quality Pulse Rifle). I did find the Uncommon Jingoku Scout Rifle, but I had trouble with it... Mostly because I generally play mid-close. That is very hard with a Scout Rifle.

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