
Most Epic Game of Epic CTF (Destiny)

by breitzen @, Kansas, Thursday, July 17, 2014, 07:16 (3792 days ago) @ UnrealCh13f

That I've played!

Dispite my awful warthog driving abilities and frag happy defense strategies, we managed to pull it off once we had a one spartan advantage.


• the opening 10 min. of craziness and our quick score
• Znite screaming bloody murder anytime our flag was even remotely in danger
• getting killed by Snipe constantly
• lots of exploding warthogs (with me in most of them)
• when we each had each others flag at our own bases
• trying to return any flag that was out in the open
• the final 15 min with 3 great flag scores

Good game to both teams and I apologize to both Wilshire and Znite for getting them killed because of my driving! ;)

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