
Some Neat Things (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 09:33 (3801 days ago) @ Ragashingo

1. As mentioned, you can look up people already playing (like Deej) and see all their armor and gear and stats. I find this cooler than I thought I would. You can see the names of the Grimoire cards they've unlocked but it's not letting me read them. No free story for lazy people after all?

I noticed the Locations section mentions Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter. I think we can confirm these will be locations to visit in the final game, something which people have wondered.

3. I'm a bit confused about the Linked Accounts section. For some it's listing Playstation accounts, for others I've seen Xbox accounts... for me it's listing Facebook. I do have a facebook account linked right now, but also an Xbox live account. Why isn't it listing both?

Try logging out and logging in using your Microsoft account. For me if I log in with PSN it shows Xbox and Facebook as well, but it seems it's somewhat inconsistent for other people.

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