
Weapons (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Friday, July 11, 2014, 14:40 (3798 days ago) @ Xenos

My take on it is that there will at least be a few weapon types we haven't heard about. This is mostly because of the "railgun" mentioned in the past. If it's true that there is a railgun in the final gun that gives evidence they are keeping at least one weapon type secret, and with Bungie's history I would guess that means there are even more we don't know about.

If you mean as far as primary/special/heavy, I don't think there will be any more because of how they let you have extras in your immediate inventory and when you get past 2-4 items it's unwieldy to switch between them with a button (I expect the number only goes up a little if you have two buttons to use). If you mean like "hand cannon" and "rare" and "exotic" and all that, yeah, probably. I feel a little... not good about it, because innovation is good and I want to support it, but what I'm most looking forward to with the weapons is seeing which of their old ideas they've brought back.

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