Idea for DBO Clans/Alliance (DBO)

by petetheduck, Friday, July 11, 2014, 08:54 (3731 days ago) @ MrPadraig08

I'm not sure what the limit on clan members are, but if the DBO clan eventually fills up here are some suggestion on sub clans/ allied clans we could use.

1. DBO_Carnage

2. DBO_Nikon

3. DBO_MigsBoys

4. DBO_Truth

5. DBO_Infinity

6. DBO_Mjolnir

7. DBO_Mombasa

These are just a few running through my head. I'm sure you guys have some better names.

DBO Frogblasters - dedicated to tricking
DBO IsNotCanon - home of Cody Miller
DBO FistfulOfFlowers - Xbox 360 clan, led by Levi
DBO Butthurt - Xbox clan, in constant turmoil
DBO FlamingNinjas - PS4 owners, those who hang on the words of Jason Jones
DBO TheErreraEra - DBO Admins
DBO Tweets - The only clan Claude absolutely won't join
TheCustomsClan - The the customs clan clan
TeamSchoolyD - DBO can't afford the licensing fees

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