
Now I'm trying to think of names.... (Destiny)

by ncsuDuncan @, Thursday, July 10, 2014, 21:14 (3799 days ago) @ Mid7night

Hmmm...what would be a good name for "I Have a Young'n and Can't Play Until the Late Hours When Everyone's Asleep and I Can't Talk Too Loud"....?....

The Parent Trappers (kinda drawkcab but it's catchy)

Clan Jolly Roger ('cus we're all the adults, not the kids in Neverland, get it?!)

...LOL, that's all the clever I can come up with right now. :P Time to work on airplanes... :D

Heh, nice!

If you're serious, these guys might have a suggestion:

Not the first of its kind, but the most recent one I've noticed. I think there are plenty of Dads here on DBO to commiserate with though. :)

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