
IGN First: "Rusted Lands" Map Tour (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, July 09, 2014, 12:23 (3888 days ago) @ yakaman

[*] Death looks like it comes quick. How did it feel in the Alpha? Most of the deaths looked to be one-shots, with most exceptions coming via mid/long-range machine gunning. Was that the general experience in the Alpha?

Death is pretty quick. One shots are only with shotguns, snipers, and supers. It's definitely faster than Halo, but I've gotten out of situations a lot before getting killed.

[*] Are there shields, and can they be augmented?

There are shields, and each class does have upgrades to augment how fast the delay is for recharging, and how strong your shields are.

[*] How important was team interplay/support activities? Like, did buffing teammates really help?

Teamplay is pretty important, but there was no buffing in the Alpha.

[*] How was melee combat? Viable? Last resort?

Pretty similar to Halo, two melees kill. Hunters have a throwing knife that is thrown with the melee button that will kill with a headshot.

[*] Is "vertical" movement pretty important? I've barely ever jet-packed in Halo, for example.

I would say it's VERY important. If you can't get used to jetpacking style, try the Hunter, their double jump is very quick.

[*] I registered my pre-order/beta entry on Bungie.net quite a while ago. I'm assuming that when it comes time, there will be a relatively obvious way to tie my Bungie.net account to my XBox?

Tomorrow you'll select your platform on Bungie.net.

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