Are you trolling? (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Wednesday, July 09, 2014, 06:48 (3888 days ago) @ RC

Don't you already have your Beta code? I've had mine registered at since they were first available.

What good does refusing to play the Beta do now?

As somebody on TSDIRC pointed out, I can use that code for any platform (not just the one I pre-ordered: PS4), but I'm away the only weekend during the beta period. Lately work commitments mean I rarely have a lot of time mid-week for games, so given the short duration I'll be lucky to get more than a couple of hours play. I may try and get that in anyway (as you say, I already have the code), but that doesn't change the fact that this feels like a bait and switch. I don't feel like rewarding such behaviour with a pre-ordered purchase to bump up their sales figures.

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