by Claude Errera @, Sunday, July 06, 2014, 22:54 (3736 days ago) @ breitzen

In case you haven't heard, Bungie's Senior Gameplay Designer Josh Hamrick has had one heck of a weekend. First his son broke his arm and was in the ER, then he had some chest pain and went into the ER himself. Sounds like its nothing really serious and he's in good enough spirits to tweet!

I thought team DBO could rally together and send some well wishes his way. I'm making a get well card for him and I have two ways you can contribute:

1. Link an image your signature (DBO handle) in this thread and I'll make sure it gets on the card.

2. If that's too difficult, (or not possible) just let me know by replying and putting "TYPE MY NAME" in the subject line, and I'll make sure your name still gets on the card!

3. I'll need someone local (DeeJ or another bungie employee maybe?) to print it out once I've finished it and deliver it to him!

Bungie Day is here, but that doesn't mean we can't give something back to the most kick ass game developers in the world!


I can deliver it; I'm not a Bungie employee, but I'm local. (Well, if he's still in the hospital. I'm not gonna deliver it if he's back at work. :) )

Happy to have my name on it, either way. ;)

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