
Destiny is rated T for Teen (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Saturday, July 05, 2014, 21:33 (3804 days ago) @ RC

It was the Flood that earned Halo that M.

And for Reach?

Probably just inertia. Once a series gets classified, I'm guessing things don't get changed unless there's seen to be a fundamental shift in the series itself.

I sort of doubt the ratings body is bothering to ensure people are blind about that sort of thing-- not knowing who makes a game or what previous entries in the series are rated-- which, strictly speaking, they probably should be.

Really though? If I'm 13, I get Halo: ODST because it's only 'T' and I like it, am I not going to want to play the other Halos? But if following the ESRB guidelines I'd have to wait another 4 years!

I'm not saying there's not a good reason for there to be that kind of continuity.

I am saying that the shoestring way the ESRB operates, there is no guarantee there will be any. The reviewers who see a sequel publsihed ten years after the original will not be the same ones who reviewed the original, and operating the way they do, they don't have the resources to make reviewers look at older games as well as newer ones-- they barely have the resources to complete modern games and see all the content as it is, to say nothing of the challenges of reviewing sandbox games.

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