Alpha Centauri, Anyone? (Destiny)

by PerseusSpartacus, G'rndl Prime, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 22:15 (3814 days ago) @ Pyromancy

The story is an investment system.
Possibly we do not get to explore the outer planets in the first game? They have a much talked about '10 year story arc' that they have to pay off? Keeping part of the solar system 'off limits' for the time being might be in the best interest of the story and the successive content or titles that may come?

The solar system is being overtaken by The Darkness. Maybe we have combat Darkness and use the Traveller's Light, over time, to reveal planets and their moons after which they become "accessible" to us? A bigger, badder, evil awaits us out there. Or possibly the greatest of Evils hangs quietly, low above The Last City...waiting...

There's also the possibility that in later games we finally leave our Solar System and carry the fight elsewhere. After all, that has been hinted at, and really, humanity's empire is hinted as having extended beyond just our one little System, and now it is our goal to reclaim all that we have lost - that would include other Systems.

So, here's one possible line-up:

Destiny 1 - We are limited to a select number of planets, probably from Mercury to Saturn.
Destiny 2 - We now can access the entire Solar System, all the way out to Pluto.
Destiny 3 - We now have access to both our Solar System and a couple of other, smaller systems.

Here's another possible line-up:

Destiny 1 - We are limited to our Solar System, but we have access to everything there (at least, everything within reason - I doubt we'll be able to walk on the surface of Jupiter).
Destiny 2 - We escape our System and make it to a couple of others, where the bulk of the difficult combat is - there'll probably be some alien fringe worlds here.
Destiny 3 - We start attacking the enemy Core Worlds, and probably even their own Homeworld[s].

Anyways, just a thought.


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