
Paddy was right... kind of (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, 09:54 (3822 days ago) @ Malagate

Was there any indication as to whether these Elements had distinct effects on enemies? I would expect the Arc property to be devastating against the Vex, for example. Or the Solar properties against the Hive; being undead...ish.

Yes. Some enemies 'shields' (white layer of health bar) were weak (2x damage) to certain damage types.
Hive Wizard's shields - weak to Solar
Fallen Captain's shields - weak to Arc

Also, enemies with yellow health bars seemed to resist attacks (1/2 damage) if you used the wrong type.
e.g. Fallen Devil Walker - resists Solar damage.

I didn't quite have time to figure it all out by the time the Alpha ended, and I don't think the tuning is final either (e.g. only getting 1.5x for headshot bonus against yellow-bar enemies, omgwtfbbq).

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