
Xbone on SDTV? help? (Gaming)

by Schedonnardus, Texas, Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 18:48 (3892 days ago) @ General Vagueness

if you have a computer monitor with VGA inputs, you can use this:

I use it when i go to my brother in law's to play on a computer monitor. Widescreen is ideal, b/c the Xbox one only has 1 aspect ratio. If you use a square monitor, it will chop off the sides.

The adapter has an audio jack, so you can use headphones or computer speakers.

If you don't have a widescreen monitor, they are pretty cheap nowadays (or you could just buy a tv). Woot.com will carry refurbed TVs/monitors between now and then. Or you could get a used monitor from Goodwill or Craigslist.

Best of luck!

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