Character Type (Destiny)

by Kalamari @, Waiting for Ghorn, FB, and BH, Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 17:10 (3823 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

With all the information/play time from the alpha out there, I'm wondering if anyone has changed their minds about what kind of character they are going to create. I'm still stuck between Titan and Warlock and I still can't decide which race to go with.

Was thinking Warlock cause space magic, but then saw that Titan basically appears to have Mass Effect 3's Vanguard charge/nova combo.

Sooooooooooooooooo yeah Phisto SMASH. Probs try all three though. No opinion on the races yet.

I want a Shepard-like face for character customization. Also, add space magic combo mechanics with wubwub explosion sounds. Would be awesome.

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